Recent content by fyoun123

  1. F

    2010 Federal Election

    Hi Nathan.
  2. F

    Ashes Series 2009

    Obviously it was the failure of the batsman you idiot. If they didn't make a mistake they wouldn't be out would they?
  3. F

    Ashes Series 2009

    Please don't tell me you're talking about the Johnson and North wickets, because that was a brilliant bit of bowling by Swann, he completely decieved both the batsman.
  4. F

    Ashes Series 2009

    If Lee is fit I hope he comes in for Johnson. Although i doubt that would happen. Siddle would probably have to make way. I really hope Clark doesnt get a game for this series, fresh from the sidelines i doubt he would make any impact judging by his performances in the tour games and in Pakistan.
  5. F

    Ashes Series 2009

    Nah, its either win or lose for aus now, theres too long left in the game for there to be a draw. If Aus can bat out the rest of the game they wouldve won
  6. F

    Ashes Series 2009

    Why didnt they go for 3rd ump for the Hughes wicket, they did for Bopara and Hauritz defintely caught that.
  7. F

    Israel and Palestine

    Re: Peace in Israel-Palestine Nice post Nathan. I dont know why people (esp. the media) raise the idea of a 2 state solution as a peace deal. I mean sure there will be peace in the short term, however it doesnt address the fact that these people still have feelings of hatred for one another...
  8. F

    Better a Hundred Guilty People Go Free Than One Innocent Wrongly Convicted

    I don't i just wanted to have a conversation with Nathan
  9. F

    Better a Hundred Guilty People Go Free Than One Innocent Wrongly Convicted

    What happens if 95 of those people are serial killers and 5 are innocent. Would you let 95 serial killers back on the streets where they could kill another 5 innocent people? Think about that Nathan
  10. F

    Student ID concession?

    Will lines for id cards still be long as on monday?
  11. F

    No more Grading on a Curve at Mac Uni

    Damn. I liked being graded on a curve