Recent content by froogle

  1. F

    Need an Algebra Textbook for MATH1131. Lecturer didn't mention this.

    +1 to that. The math course pack has all the relevant content, with more than enough content that you need. And it comes with notes for algebra and calculus.
  2. F

    Stupid question but how do you join societies/extracurriculars?

    lol - i do agree that arc are quite useless, other than giving $$ to societies. The street team don't do much, but in general you deal with societies more than arc. As for societies - yes, just join their events by finding out about them on facebook, or emailing one of the heads directly.
  3. F

    COMP1917 - Is there a course materials pack?

    they use open learning. you should join that using the link sent to your unsw email. all course materials are usually hosted on there.
  4. F

    new 2016 concession foil

    I'd get one just in case. Some transit officers still ask for the sticker foil. I've always had a sticker, so never needed to talk/explain to one about not having one...
  5. F

    Is worth it to go to orientation week and are you going?

    grab free things at oweek. also, you meet lots of random people that you add to facebook and never, ever see again.
  6. F

    Jerseys on O week?

    lol you can wear whatever you want to uni. No one will care, jersey or not. FYI I haven't seen many people wear it to o-week so just wear whatever is comfortable/what you like and chill.
  7. F

    Software Engineering without Honours ?

    software eng without honours = comp sci Both degrees are fairly similar otherwise.
  8. F

    Recommended Studies for Computer Science

    Latest news is Richard Buckland is not taking it next year from the timetable :O It will probably still be his openlearning course though, with exactly the same content. That course has been 90% self taught in the past anyway...
  9. F

    Recommended Studies for Computer Science

    It's not necessary at all to know how to code. They assume no prior knowledge software related or programming related. It might give you some advantage in the first week or two but that is about it. Enjoy your break and please don't be the guy that wastes it studying things that don't get...
  10. F

    What to do with laptop during exams?

    Put your laptop inside the zip-lock bag they give you. If it doesn't fit in one, ask for a second.
  11. F

    CompSci + Media Arts, should I drop?

    If you like the subject, then stay. If not switch. You really won't go far if you don't like it. If you like something, you tend to pull through when things gets tough. Just from experience and life in general :) Try to keep up with things. Seek help if you get stuck. The next comp courses...
  12. F


    I do CS
  13. F


    What engineering and science major are you doing squar3root?
  14. F


    Lol I think they are in the labs opposite the theater. I saw a crowd doing some doomsday assignment so that is where it probably is. As for the course content, the lecturer usually looks through the whatever got covered in a particular semester and bases the exam off that. So no definite...
  15. F


    ^ lol so true. Some lecturers should stay as researchers and never step into a lecture theater or classroom.