Recent content by finny87

  1. F

    Option: Multimedia

    I agree - you dont have to write that much. Anyway - hasnt anyone told you 'its quality, not quantity'? Geez!!!!
  2. F

    When did you leave?

    There were only 3 people left at 5pm... Everyone else left as soon as they could... I had 10 mins to write my numbers out hundreds of times...
  3. F

    You call that an Exam?

    I think you guys should look on the positive, and stop bagging the exam and BOS out. If anyone would know anything about testing - it would be the BOS. Let them do their job. Thank you - The BOS chairperson... lol... Anyway - the exam wasnt that bad. And imagine, if you didnt study...
  4. F

    Music 1- Question 3. WTF?

    I think it was a great exam because it asked different questions that branched off the musical concepts. Questions that made you think about the music more. And to all those people who say how much they write - its not how much you write, its what you write....