Recent content by f261120

  1. f261120

    So what did everyone think of it??

    It was sooooooo awesome! RUSSIA WAS AWESOME! PERSONALITIES AWESOME! CONFLICT IN EUROPE AWESOME! All of the essays were exactly what we did in various assessment tasks and the WW1 stuff was easy easy easy ^_^ So much better than what anyone expected i think.
  2. f261120

    Induction Question

    i love you. i wrote out each step then wrote my conclusions... lol... almost felt like writing "as you can see in the extensive work, it is clearly true for n=1" Damn MX1... lets hope i do better in the other 11 units :P
  3. f261120

    Mathematics - General thoughts on the exam

    part b for 10 was hard but did anyone realise how insanely easy 10a was? i mean simpsons rule?!?!?!!?! the paper was pretty good... of course 9 and 10 most ppl wont get full marks so they get a spread... theyset question 10 for 3u kids thinking 2u kids shouldnt be able to do it, or at least...
  4. f261120

    Module C: Representation and Text

    ummmmmm i thought they meant the perspectives offered by the texts... like of what the truth is... and whether you embrace (stupid word where they really mean support) the perspective... like i said frontline discarded the facts for ratings... blah blah and i dont support this perspective of...
  5. f261120

    Module B: Critical Study of Texts

    AYE AYE!!!!!!!!!!! It was shocking... we studied heaps on themes, interpretations and productions and then we got that and we all just stared like stunned fish at each other. twas massively screwed.
  6. f261120

    Module A: Comparative Study of Texts and Context

    Emma and Clueless was alright... i think they wanted something about what we have learned or what we can learn from the comparative study. sooooo i wrote about emma and cher being more concenred with themselves, blinkers, alternativem motives etc... brought in a few themes but it seems like we...
  7. f261120

    Holy crap! I just half slept walked

    Holy crap! I j half sleep walked tooooo this happens to me also! i will talk late, put my fone down then go to sleep. sometime in the night i wake up with the fone on my ear arguing about sumthing BUT THERE IS NOONE THERE!!!!!!! or i wake up half way through wriing a nonsense message about a...
  8. f261120

    Section 1

    I also have the paper. i also find it impossible to interpret. text 2's question was ridiculous... it still doesnt make great sense... but text three was easy. i bet most people used 1& 3 for part f)... every single person in my clas did ;)
  9. f261120

    Someone burnt the AoS Paper!

    Oh it is a sweeeeet feeling. there is also one of a group absolutely butchering the stimulus booklet.... enjoy...
  10. f261120

    What is meant by text two (prose fiction) by landscapes?

    yeah i think the way to go was to talk about the landscape as a part of Sheridan's life but you can't forget that journey was somehow in the question. In which case i talked about the ideas she held then the reality of the JOURNEY to the cave... Landscape... Sheridan... she discovers Sheridan...