Recent content by eszty

  1. E

    Powerplay/1984 texts

    I am doing the "Last Castle"
  2. E

    How was it ? CSSA Trial

    How did u express the sides?, if u didnt use the sine rule? For that first part of Q7 did u have a constant for part 2? Iam sure i stufed it up but just wondering...
  3. E

    How many people are doing 4 Unit

    Yeh its hard but might as well try then u can always drop it latter. JUst dont box ur self in at least that was my theory.
  4. E

    How was it ? CSSA Trial

    I couldnt do 3D in the exam but figured it out when I got home. h=0.2m (it looks wrong though). I used the sine rule and expressed AC and BC in terms oh h then ABS is just a rght angle triangle?