Recent content by estaile

  1. E

    who did YOU end up with?

    ive finally finished school and im ecstatic. ive been telling myself over and over again that when i finish school, everything's going to be different. i'll be "free".... honestly, tell me what its like. right now, im feeling the opposite to what i had imagined i would be feeling. in...
  2. E

    does UWS.........

    offer many opportunities to perform? also, is NEPEAN part of UWS?
  3. E

    Creative Arts/Creative Writing

    ah ha! you are wrong my dear friend. actually, you were right but abit wrong i had to pay 50 smackeroons. bad thing is that im not sure if the gongs the place for me now. interveiw/audition 5th Dec
  4. E

    What are people at UOW like?

    who cares. go there, make some new friends. maybe the 'surfies' or the 'FOBS' arent the ones with the problem but you are. quit caring what background your from. thats not why you choose a uni. we're all australians.
  5. E

    for all the dreamers out there....

    haha wow.. i wasnt really expecting this many replies... "just go up to him"?.. er... its a bit harder than that.. not just mentally, but physically. he's not within walking or ' i just thought i'd drop by' distance. i met him at an audition. so you can just imagine... all these people...
  6. E

    WiNninG HiM oVa...??

    fricken hell. it might be your last day alive i say boink like rabbits and be satisfied. if you cant "win him over" then move on
  7. E

    for all the dreamers out there....

    i have my heart set on someone... but they hardly know i exist.... after i met them for the first time, i would dream about 'chance meetings' and "what if i had said this..." "what if i had said that..."...... sometimes, someone just steals your heart away so quickly, that your left...
  8. E

    Onstage 2004

    haha... it was you wasnt it? (abit of self promotion methinks)
  9. E

    performing arts or media com anyone?

    hmm.... thanx anyway
  10. E

    performing arts or media com anyone?

    i really have my heart set on doing a course which involves peformance. but then i also want to do media communications. i was told wollongong uni offered a combined course but i had my heart set on nsw. a friend recently told me that the performance course was more theory that anything else...
  11. E

    performance anyone?

    i heard that this uni had a really good performing arts unit. but when i went to this career search day , i didnt see anything about performance or any humanities subject. mainy just sciencey type ones. so is there a course in performin arts? and if so, how is it? would you recommend it there?
  12. E

    why are some unis better then others.?

    so i suppose depending on the course you want to take, you should try and stay away from certin uni's? does it really make that much of a difference to your job prospects about which uni you go to?
  13. E

    What's your critical response about?

    hahhaa... thanks aud..... mine's becoming too S&Cish too. but i guess im kjust afraid of dropping it.. this late into the year! and the whole "journey"-ick- has just been so frustrating (and still is_ to this point, that if i drop it, i think i'll get castrated
  14. E

    What's your critical response about?

    ?just dropped out? as in dropped the subject?.... :( sounds very very familiar!
  15. E

    What's your critical response about?

    yeh, whoever's doing the charmed thing, nice choice! it sounds kinda similar to what im doing. im focusing on the men within the texts. the representation of men as either negative or positive and how this affects the way it is recieved. im spinning round in circles though. how are you going...