Recent content by EmperorHirohito

  1. EmperorHirohito

    Student Fascism

    Good to see BOS cleaned up. Well Done to the Daily Telegraph. I think they should find out whoever started that disgusting racist group in his work place and make a living hell out of him in my humble opinion. Mass Telephone call to his employer will be a good start. Does anyone know his details?
  2. EmperorHirohito

    Vicious Prison Riot

    Are Lebs becoming the niggers of Australia? Guards fired shots to end riot at prison | National News |
  3. EmperorHirohito

    2008 Presidential Election - Obama v McCain

    Re: Barrack OBama or John Mccain? Thats like saying Obama will die of AIDS because he is black :cold:
  4. EmperorHirohito

    Welcome to nation of university ghettos

    I agreed with the article but I dont necessarily blame aussies. I've been here more than 2 years and i only made 3 aussie friends. 1 is my own friend and the other 2 became my friends because they are friends of my friend. :D The reason I think is that most people have different class...
  5. EmperorHirohito

    15 yrs old French boy gang raped in Dubai

    I said Pre-islamic. I do not think Islam condone rape not to talk of homosexual rape!
  6. EmperorHirohito

    15 yrs old French boy gang raped in Dubai

    Read Details here This is just a tip of the iceberg. There're so many kids from poorer countries like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Bangladesh, who are allured to Dubai & then subjected to horrendous gang-raping...
  7. EmperorHirohito

    APEC Protests

    They think Bush stole abos land
  8. EmperorHirohito

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran Agreed. This evil book must be banned. Too many people have died already because of this book! Sarajevo massacre, bali bombing, London bomb, WTC, madrid bomb, iraq war etc could have been avoided if this book does not exist!
  9. EmperorHirohito

    Red P test question

    Yes, actual licence cost another $45.
  10. EmperorHirohito

    Last movie you've seen?

    La Vie En Rose A film chronicling the life of french superstar Edith Piaf.
  11. EmperorHirohito

    India: Bombay Bomber to be Executed

    Three less terrorists hurray, now i can visit Bodh Gaya in my next pilgrimage in peace!
  12. EmperorHirohito

    Taxi Driver Murder = MQ Student

    Stupid chinese students
  13. EmperorHirohito

    Iranian woman faces stoning for adultery

    Why worry about this nasty woman whose offsprings are probably future terrorists anyway? We have more important thing to worry about such as the massacre of millions of black sudanese in Darfur by Arab militia, hundreds of thousands of people killed by suicide bombers in Iraq, thousands of...
  14. EmperorHirohito

    Federal Aboriginal intervention

    Yes for Paedophiles.
  15. EmperorHirohito

    Ten Reasons to Leave Iraq Now

    War against Muslim LOL :D Only if these people realise America have everything it needs at its disposal to kill every living Muslim on this earth if it wanted to. To those people who believe America is waging war against Islam "Be afraid, be very afraid" :jaw: