Recent content by dsam

  1. dsam

    Missed out on uni?

    Hi, I have just completed a diploma in Communication with a wam of 78 two semesters ago. WIll I have a good chance to get advanced standing into the relevant course for the autumn intake? Thanks
  2. dsam

    general UNSW chit-chat

    Hey guys is it too late to claim exemption from my previous studies at Diploma level?
  3. dsam

    Any exams in Social Sciences?

    Oh, was it hard? can you give me more insight into how it was like? Was there sufficient time to complete it satisfactorily? Cheers
  4. dsam

    Any exams in Social Sciences?

    Hey is there any exams in BA Social Sciences? Cheers
  5. dsam


    So it's just zmail now? I tried it once but then gave up coz I was confused as it re-directed me to Windows Live? WTF?
  6. dsam


    hey guys, I ask again, how come I cannot receive any mail in my unimail inbox???
  7. dsam


    hey guys how come I aint receiving emails in my inbox???
  8. dsam

    How hard is it to get HD for first years?

    yeah I got that the first time round. I see it that all students are hippocrates at one point. Most often than not they answer their own questions in how to improve their grades. All it takes is a (dare I say 'simple'?) change of habit. haha :haha: it is all up to the student to find their own...
  9. dsam

    How hard is it to get HD for first years?

    it really depends what course/degree you do @ uni that determines that statement
  10. dsam

    when does session 2 actually start? 20th or 27th jul

    So in short, to answer your question, week 2 starts on the 27th
  11. dsam

    getting to UNSW from central

    Yes, furthermore, most buses running through the city require prepaid tickets (if travelling within the city i.e Broadway to George st). They no longer accept cash.
  12. dsam

    hey what are you studying btw?

    hey what are you studying btw?
  13. dsam

    I need to do this assignment but lacking motivation

    rofl best quote ever
  14. dsam

    Post Your Timetable - S2 2009 Edition

    I have the worst timetable ever
  15. dsam

    When does sem 2 start?

    went to UNSW today and I it turns out that I cannot do 3 subjects per semesters and make it up for 5 the next. In the end they've helped me sort out my course. THanks for the help anyway