Recent content by Driftz`

  1. D

    msn worm?

    so hey did it work??
  2. D

    uai <30 =)

    To all the people who got 30.00 and under.. don't worry about it! There are other ways into uni if you really want to get in.. such as diploma degree's and shit. So it's not the end of the world!! I only got 69 for my UAI due to FUCKED up scaling!! I got scaled down so bad it's not funny! i got...
  3. D


    LOL ahh man you don't even know me to call me names.. but im not gonna start with such a pathetic immature individual such as yourself.. your a waste of time.. go have a bat over some porn or something rather than swearing @ people over the net.. and go get a goldfish while your at it! ohhhh and...
  4. D


    LOLOL ahahahaha a verbal boxing ring?? Mate, you need to grow up and get a life.. leave the poor guy alone ffs, your a real hero aren't ya? Verbally abusing some random guy on an internet forum? Do you feel proud now? Do you feel happy that you've just made an idiot of yourself to the whole...
  5. D

    Alcohol, what it can & cannot do..

    I know what you mean, but everyone is different.. i mean whilst one person can have 5 shots of tequila and get drunk, someone else can have 2 shots n there knocked out.. it all depends on who you are and also knowing your limits i reckon
  6. D

    Ok, it's time to...

    welllllllll.. lol i guess this is pretty typical in a relationship, but i love bringin my g/f up when she's down... smile when she frowns and just seeing her smile makes me over the moon knowing i caused it! (if that makes sense to ppl lol) ahhh the list goes on but i won't bore you more than i...
  7. D

    Alcohol, what it can & cannot do..

    ahhhhh who knows mate. lol im glad people had an open opinion about this topic.. i thought i was the only one! LOL
  8. D


    Mate i understand where your coming from, but it really helps an individual asking for advice when they see many responses regardless if they're all the same shit. Try to relax a bit and if you can't putup with the answers that are repeated and such, just click the [X] in the top right corner...
  9. D

    Alcohol, what it can & cannot do..

    Hmm i don't believe getting someone drunk show's their true colours.. i reckon heaps of people put on this image when they are drink as well.. like i mean they tend to act all over the place and 'not all there' when really there all fine, just putting up an image. hmm!
  10. D

    Alcohol, what it can & cannot do..

    LOL I know u said dont quote, but im with ya on "cheating is cheating"! So true man, no excuse for that sh*t!!
  11. D

    Alcohol, what it can & cannot do..

    lol i think she means she loses control sexually or alike
  12. D

    Alcohol, what it can & cannot do..

    ahh well if relationships arent your thing then no harm done.. but with being under the influence.. watch out that u dont do something u'd really regret the next day.
  13. D

    Alcohol, what it can & cannot do..

    LOL Fair enough.. but wouldn't the solution ultimately be.. don't drink in excess? Im sure fun can be had without getting 'under the influence' ay? I mean, right group of friends/people, right place.. Can't go wrong! lol
  14. D

    Alcohol, what it can & cannot do..

    lol Very true.. most guys would forgive, smart one's wouldn't! :D But yeah, i guess it's how badly your attached, but all depends on situation, who what where n how. lol
  15. D

    Alcohol, what it can & cannot do..

    Sorry to hear about your misfortunes mate, but what do you mean by "it's so much harder to say no when there's a glimmer of hope. " ? What's hard to say no too?