Recent content by dragons_girl

  1. dragons_girl

    HELP!!! totally stressing need help with these questions

    we arent doing these questions for the trials, i didnt even know that they were actual trial questions. i thought that they were just ones that he had gone and made up anyway thanks for the help
  2. dragons_girl

    HELP!!! totally stressing need help with these questions

    i need so much help, any suggestions on what sources, historians and anything else that i can use would be so great 1. evaluate the purpose of history 2. "a lie can be halfway accros the world before the truth has got its pants on" - winston churchill asses the role of the historian in...
  3. dragons_girl

    once were warriors

    hey i was thinking of using the movie 'one were warriors' as a extra text for RFTG i just wanted to know if anyone had ever used this as a text or if someone knows the movie and has an opinion on whether the text would be a decent one to use or if im just wasting my time in thinking of...
  4. dragons_girl


    ive got an assesment task that i am having problems with and any help would be great!!! "there are as many ways of interpreting and valuing a text as there are readers." do you agree? justify your response through an examination of cloudstreet and a selectioin of some of the readings that...
  5. dragons_girl

    Anyone need PDHPE tutoring?

    what options do you work with or do you know all of them.
  6. dragons_girl

    Supplementary Texts - Physical

    does anyone know what leunig cartoons would be good to use for the area of study
  7. dragons_girl

    methodology anyone

    can anyone tell me how im meant to go about writing a methodology for the project proposal im so stuck and it is due next week please help thankyou :confused:
  8. dragons_girl

    RFTG - Practice Questions and Discussion

    RFTG - The Castle - Assessment Task Q EDIT: thread formally known as "the castle assessment task" and was originally in EE1 main forum. Now merged in with other assessment task questions. hey i got this assessment task for the castle in extension, can anyone give me an idea of where to go...
  9. dragons_girl

    2005 History Extension Major Project Topics

    i was thinking of doing somthing on the celts or boduicca's resistance to romans any ideas on where i could go with this?
  10. dragons_girl

    help please

    thatnk you so much for the advice and that little explination helped alot, i think that it let me get my thoughts in order. the texts that i am doing are the shipping news, seamus heaney and the castle any further help would be great.
  11. dragons_girl

    help please

    hey i just started RFTG and i am getting kind of lost does anyone have any notes on the subject that i could look over any help would be greatly appreciated thanks
  12. dragons_girl

    competitive sport and school

    hey thanks for all the help im a swimmer and im training a minimum of seven times a week so when i sit down to do home work and study all i can think about is sleeping and i very rarely go out on a friday or saturday
  13. dragons_girl

    competitive sport and school

    hey i was just wondering if anyone does any kind of competitive sport? how do you balance your training and your school work? any help would be greatly appreciated