Recent content by dogbacon

  1. D

    11 things to do with a casey donovan cd harsh.. but i like it.. especially the liliputian tent thing
  2. D

    Timetables Are Out!

    Hi, really stupid question but what's the difference between a lecture, tutorial and seminar? Is a tutorial just like a classroom at school?
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    Australias Next Top Model

    I like Zoe the best, she's stunning. Sam and Simmone are good too though Simmone's a bit bogan. HA. Sam seems to be one of the only positive ones the rest are always whinging about something. Allana is brilliant tv, obviously there for the drama only Atong was growing on me. Gemma's a...
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    the OC

    Is anyone gonna buy the OC DVD SEASON 1 out on Feb 2?? ;)
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    i got there at 8:55 and was out by about 9:50 though the line when I was leaving was huge. oh and my photo was too large and the guy cut it REALLY badly lol
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    Enrolement for Late Round???

    Late and final round peeps get their own enrolment days, it seems that late round is on feb 4 as shown here... this site helps with enrolment at usyd heaps :)
  7. D

    Can you suggest Japanese songs?

    I used to buy Japanese CDs from SHINSEIDO at Chatswood Westfield, its also about $32 for an album. But you get 10% discount if you're a student :p They also sell Japanese Anime/Drama/Movie DVDs as well... Ooh I wanna listen to Ayumi's new album!! :)
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    UAC Main Round Offers NOW Out (Discussion Thread)!

    Since when did the government state: "As long as you stay in Australia for (this particular number) of years, you are granted permanent residency"? Do you even know the requirements to get one? Looking around me yes, many get permanent residency in less than 9years, but that does not mean...
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    UAC Main Round Offers NOW Out (Discussion Thread)!

    Do you think I haven't tried? :'( It's hard to get citizenship, but first it's even harder to get residency. Unfortunately the government ain't gonna grant permanent residency no matter how long I'm here... Infact, I'm not actually complaining. All I wanted to know in the first place was...
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    UAC Main Round Offers NOW Out (Discussion Thread)!

    Wait a second... Not all international students are "rich blow ins" as you say. I've been in Australia for more than 9 years now, thats half my life and I still don't even have Permanent Residency. And you're saying I shouldn't get a equal chance as locals just cos I'm not an aussie...
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    UAC Main Round Offers NOW Out (Discussion Thread)!

    Can someone tell me if theres ANY way i can see the cut-offs for INTENATIONAL STUDENTS in the main round for any year?? i cant believe cut-offs for international students are higher than hecs/full-fee...
  12. D

    Questions + Incredibly low liberal studies and 'bach arts and science' cutoffs!!

    B Arts/B Sci had quite a hefty fall as well :O
  13. D

    Post your USYD offers!

    bach o liberal studies yay :)
  14. D

    2005 University Offers - Post them here (No spam)!

    OMG! I got into B Lib Studies at Usyd!!! the UAI dropped significantly!! *happy*