Recent content by DdaeRyuh

  1. DdaeRyuh

    Hey Carly! Yes, i think i met you at TSFX! How've you been? Been a while since i've logged on...

    Hey Carly! Yes, i think i met you at TSFX! How've you been? Been a while since i've logged on Bored of Studies xD
  2. DdaeRyuh

    Killing time... with online games

    What online game do you play and would recommend? I've played this MMORPG game (called Darkages) for 7 years now, so not bored of it just yet. Gave up on RO and Aion. But i would really love to get back into L4D, especially with L4D2 being released! But damn, censored... Been gaming since the...
  3. DdaeRyuh

    Anime fans and RO gamers? ^__^

    Naruto (shippuden) and Bleach for me. Also a late starter, but was able to catch up soon enough! What happened to the Vizards and Espada in Bleach? AND I KNEW ITACHI WASNT EVIL! :party: Anyone got some good anime to recommend? Getting bored of Bleach..
  4. DdaeRyuh

    is smoking weed bad?

    What? You're smoking weed? Man, you need some help. FAST! :spin:
  5. DdaeRyuh

    Anyone do martial arts?

    Wow, i wish i did some kind of martial arts.. Heard of kung fu, tae kwon do, and karate, but the rest... never. Do i do martial arts? Uh... does feng shui count? it's asian. :party:
  6. DdaeRyuh

    are you lonely?

    PLEASE, NO MORE ENGLISH AREA OF STUDY: BELONGING Making me braindead, talk about happy things! :party:
  7. DdaeRyuh

    How Happy Are You With Life?

    NO MONEY! i cant pay for my online games Dx This is what happens to some people after the hsc :spin: woo
  8. DdaeRyuh

    Stereotypical Asian Parents

    DAMN ASIANS!!! ESPECIALLY ASIAN PARENTS! They sure have some weird english... Btw, im asian :party:
  9. DdaeRyuh

    Is it just me or does anyone else have a lot of assesment taks now?

    Three assessments on three consecutive days last week. Three due today... actually, in 5 hours time O_O SOMEBODY HALP PLIX!! D:
  10. DdaeRyuh

    Half yearlies

    My half yearly results stink :T Could've done better. :burn:
  11. DdaeRyuh

    how fast can you write??

    I'm about 30wpm too D: Heard that putting a little weight (ie. eraser) on the end of your pen helps. Oh, a friend of mine attached 6x AA batteries on his 'cause he thinks it'll make him write faster, but he ended up going to the hospital and couldnt write for 2~3 weeks. Hmm...
  12. DdaeRyuh

    Undergraduate Medicine & Health Sciences Admission Test

    UMAT will be held on Wednesday the 29th July 2009, and registrations close on Friday 5th June-- Dammit, and i have yet to register!! :eek: I wont be needing the UMAT for the course i'd like to apply for when im going uni, but some practice would come in handy. The UMAT is very different to the...
  13. DdaeRyuh

    AM vs FM Prac HELP!

    oh. "2008".... <_< im smart, aren't i? :mad1:
  14. DdaeRyuh

    AM vs FM Prac HELP!

    [Ok, this is coming off the top of my head...] If you wanna compare the two, you should: -outline both advantages and disadvantages (ie. interferences) -identify the differences between the carrier wave > dynamic range/pitch Control: -make sure the radio can switch from AM to FM (same...