Recent content by Danskies

  1. D

    Major project: Does it pay off?

    Oh how I would love not to type it up. My teacher is what many people would refer to as an 'idiot', you see. Anything that's not completely immaculate and, essentially, perfect, is not taken account when marking - it's completely and utterly ignored, as if it's not there. Even when he marked 5%...
  2. D

    Major project: Does it pay off?

    Oh, I absolutely agree on the progress diary - I've filled two entire notebooks full of ideas and ramblings which I'm in the process of typing up and making coherent, and my official "log book" is about 25 pages long. My main problem is with the diagrams and such. Here's a sampling of things we...
  3. D

    Major project: Does it pay off?

    You're definitely spot on with the documentation tip there Mountain Dew, but even having done probably about 60% of what is required while I was doing the project, I feel that it just detracts too strongly from the actual project. Internal and intrinsic documentation is easy, but the endless...
  4. D

    Major project: Does it pay off?

    I've got two weeks left until I have to submit my MDP, and I'm still rushing to get enough functionality into the program (my teacher's famously unpredictable and whimsical about what impresses him) and compile all my documentation. All up I've probably spent upwards of 100 hours on this...
  5. D

    Play God in a Game!

    I seem to recall hundreds of games that've let me play as god :S
  6. D


    Bravo! PBF, I think, is the cleverest comic on the internet.
  7. D

    What is your all time favourite book?

    Hyperion by Dan Simmons. Good luck finding it in a public library, though. It's far too decent a book.