Recent content by clairethebear

  1. C

    independent trial results

    saladsurgery, I think my marks dropped in the 1st section because I did my exam backwards. I spent most of my time on section 2, because I knew I would not feel like writing an essay after an hour, so I started my essay first. Then I did the questions with the most marks after that. I think I...
  2. C

    Stupid art teachers

    I also got only 27/50 for my artwork for the internal mark, whereas people who put no effort into theirs got much better marks. I know I'll go better in the HSC though because there will be people marking it who can actually appreciate art for art and not art for marks.
  3. C

    Stupid art teachers

    Belle, you sound like you're in the same situation as me! My teacher wanted me to change everything on my artwork. I did photography too, but in the end I just left it how I liked it because everyone else liked it the way I did too. The teachers just have their expectations set too high...
  4. C

    independent trial results

    How did everyone go in their art exam?? Pass/fail?? I got 48% all up, but got 85% in section 2. Section 1 was what dropped my mark down! How did everyone else go??
  5. C

    2003 Trial results

    What did everyone go better in......the multiple choice, short answer or essay section? I went best in the multiple choice!!!
  6. C

    2003 Trial results

    i got 54% in mine......our teacher was so harsh.......but i was one of the few who passed....
  7. C

    independent trial results

    i dont remember doing anything about a median regression line??? but i remember the time difference question. i got full marks for my working out but lost one mark for my wrong answer hehehehe...
  8. C

    independent trial results

    independent exams are the ones that aren't if you don't go to a catholic school, chances are you did the independent exam...
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    independent trial results

    Don't worry, I only got 38% over all and I studied so hard for english........the marks were very low for most of yr 12 at my school
  10. C

    Arghhhh Art Due This Wk!

    Also.....after we hand works in on monday morning, are all schools allowed to finish mounting/framing works or are your's locked away where you can't touch them??
  11. C

    Arghhhh Art Due This Wk!

    Mines pretty much finished, just got to decide on layout of one last one.....but I keep feeling like I haven't done enough.I haven't got enough pieces in it to make a good enough impression.....does anyone else feel like they haven't actually got a big enough artwork?????
  12. C

    independent trial results

    Just wondering what everyone got for sections 1,2,3 for paper 1 and sections 1,2,3 for paper 3? I want to know if I'm the only one who went pretty bad......!
  13. C

    independent trial results

    Just wondering what everyone got as a percentage for their general maths trial exam? I got 76.5% which I am pretty happy with!!! I came first in my class which I am also really happy did everyone else go?
  14. C

    what do you need to study for trials?

    You can get away with not knowing anything about art criticism in the trials.........because no specific questions are asked on it as far as I know.......well that's what we got just have to know art history.
  15. C

    How many Yr12 art students in your school

    there's 33 in yr 12 art at my school.