Recent content by Claire102

  1. C

    metal fans your suggestions are needed

    Check out Moonsorrow
  2. C

    Growing out of it?

    I tried to make my relationship work twice, we broke up the first time, then talked, tried to make it work, worked for a month or two, then i realised it wasnt meant to.. We broke up again. End it, find someone to just hang out with and have some fun without it being too serious. I agree with...
  3. C

    Growing out of it?

    I also had a similar situation to this in May. I still loved him , probably still do, but we kinda grew apart.. I got really worried about things, and because I had the stress of the HSC I got really frustrated at things he said or did. He also dropped out at year 10 though, so he didnt...
  4. C

    Expansion and Consolidation of the empire - Julio Claudians

    Could I possibly ask for you to post that essay? If you can.. Ta :)
  5. C

    Expansion and Consolidation of the empire - Julio Claudians

    Yeah that does. Thanks, I might call on you later if i get stuck.. ;o) Thanks!
  6. C

    Augustus/Julio Claudians...??

    Well we still study Augustus but we dont really need to, because we are doing the Julio-Claudians.. So yeah, i kinda know what you mean.. :p And we dont even really have to know it all!
  7. C

    Expansion and Consolidation of the empire - Julio Claudians

    Hey im doing a paper on this issue.. could i get some help on these notes.. i get really confused in this topic and would really appreciate something to get me going..