Recent content by chromedome

  1. chromedome

    english ext 1... critical, creative or both?

    yeah nah my teacher told us to at least prepare 2 related texts just in case
  2. chromedome

    Modern History Predictions/Thoughts

    yeah i do those two and have a feeling it'll be something new deal related for US, and either turning points or civilians at war / collab + resistance.
  3. chromedome

    How achievable is 69 atar?

    even without the ancient scrolls and manuscripts?! :detective:
  4. chromedome

    How achievable is 69 atar?

    Hi, this is my first time posting, so sorry if I get something wrong. With HSC starting on Wednesday, I'm starting to properly freak out about marks and how I do atar wise. Thing is, I've got a conditional early offer to the course I want to do, I just need to achieve a 69 atar, but that's kind...