Recent content by cactuar

  1. C


    cant sleep, clowns will eat me
  2. C


    ok so in english advanced for the past year i have put in very little effort (the usual, studying right before tests, remembering 1 if 2 quotes) and scraped through with an average assessment mark of 69 (lol). after my trials i had a talk with my english teacher and principal and started to...
  3. C

    Anyone here play Team Fortress 2?

    team envy
  4. C

    Game Name Game

  5. C

    karnivool - sines waves and mirrors tour

    anyone going??? me and some mates going to the enmore theatre (syd) gig, gonna be great.
  6. C

    Do you smoke?

    like once a month
  7. C

    Anyone here play Team Fortress 2?

    me and a few friends play it competitively. ozfortress if you're interested btw..
  8. C

    Anyone here play Team Fortress 2?

    me and a few friends play it competitively.
  9. C

    Drop Ancient or Chemistry?

    this. scaling means shit all in this situation. you are told to choose the subjects you are better at/like for a reason. not only do you have interest in it (hence SHOULD want to work in it) but studying for subjects you like is far far easier than subjects you dislike.
  10. C


    'As this is the only place to be on the last day of exams this event will be a SELL OUT. Tell your friends.' hahahahhahahhaha. $60 for a ticket, karnivool only cost me $45.
  11. C

    Boy, 12, turns into girl

    no, its not. he was born as a he with all the parts to be a he. you may say that 'he is a she in her mind and that what counts' but that is a mental defect, not what they really are.
  12. C

    Regret subject choice?

    i chose adv english religion 2u ancient biology chemistry (dropped) hospitality i should have chosen adv english ext english 1 religion 2u ancient modern hospitality sac (maybe drop in yr 12) history elective (pick up yr 12) if i do 12 or more units i dont need to do hospo in the final...
  13. C

    best atar estimate thread there is

    bump again (want as many opinions as possible)
  14. C

    not getting the SC and repeating

    how the fuck do you get anything below band 3 in the SC without having some sort of mental deficiency?