Recent content by Black Seed

  1. Black Seed

    Anyone heard of a band called Arkheth?

    Boring. But I like their older track from the GODLESS compilation.... ETERNALLL DARRKK!!!
  2. Black Seed

    Fav. Teacher sayings?

    My maths teacher always say: "Am I speaking Swahili?"
  3. Black Seed

    NIN are coming

    Dismember are coming to australia at the end of the year i think, i can't fucking wait. FUCK YOU ALL WHO THINK DISMEMBER ARE SHIT COZ THEY FUCKING ROCK. [(sic) - They are touring October] PPS. ----> I'm not a HUGE fan.
  4. Black Seed

    Where do you all get your resources?

    Any particular Uni's? I've been Sydney Uni, Macquarie's and is already running out time.
  5. Black Seed

    The Metal Thread.

    I like Thorr's Hammer, Derekta, Demonic Christ, Mythic and that singer-chick from Twisted Sister.
  6. Black Seed

    Where do you all get your resources?

    Do tell!!! Libraries Bookshops WHATEVER!!!
  7. Black Seed

    Post Your Half-yearly Mark

    26/63 3rd last. I suck.
  8. Black Seed

    Top 5 music vids

    Emperor - The Loss And Curse Reverence
  9. Black Seed

    Movies about Nazi Germany

    I didn't end up seeing the movie but I did see a review mentioning that it's $40 a head. The German Movie Festival ended a few weeks ago. But wait, there's more!!!! DOWNFALL This time, with German actors.
  10. Black Seed

    music that sucks

    Attn: Wicked Clown and Zyklon. 1) Examples of Gothic Metal (MY opinion) : Within Temptation, After Forever, Dismal Euphony, Darkwoods My Betrothed, Virgin Black (neo_o ;)), you get the drill. It gets tedious. 2)My Dying Bride is doom. From my vague memory, Agalloch is accoustic...
  11. Black Seed

    Bands/Musicians That Should've Lasted Longer

    Astriaal has disbanded. Their last show was at M4TB, Brisbane. Also, Blacktalon Media has ceased operation.
  12. Black Seed

    What are you currently Reading?

    I had just finished "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury. Excellent Book. At the moment, I'm reading "The Pinochet File: A Declassified Dossier on Atrocity and Accountability" by Peter Kornbluh (for history extension).
  13. Black Seed

    Good Song/ Music Video to remember the Anzacs/War Victoms

    Slaughter Thou - Lest We Forget
  14. Black Seed

    music that sucks

    A myriad of the "The ______" Eg. Kills, Thrills, Killers, Optionals, Cops, Casonovas and endless names you can find in the dictionary. Also, I want to add: Arch Enemy Gothic metal bands and more to come....
  15. Black Seed

    last 5 CDs u bought/obtained

    Slaughter Thou - The Anzac Hammer Sunn 0))) - Flight Of The Behemoth V/A - Legions Portal - The Sweyy Mydraal - Falling Sky