Recent content by Beffy

  1. B


    We were told by our teacher that they employ people at the marking centre to proof read the papers and check for names, addresses etc that seem too realistic, like they would actually belong to someone in text types like articles and letters. If they find one they black them out with a marker...
  2. B

    Chemistry Trial

    84% :) And our teacher said we would fail!!! Could have been better, but is better than i expected
  3. B

    bio independent trials!!!

    i did the independant trial today... i agree the puctuated equilibrium question was hard, and some of the mc questions didnt appear to have a correct answer
  4. B

    New dot point for 2003

    Thanks... good to see somebody's school is covering all the content lucky for some!!!!!!!! :rolleyes: Now I can finish my notes for blueprint of life!! Lucky me...!!!! :p
  5. B

    Right hand side dot points on sylabus?

    Definitely, also they aren't just pracs (which you have to be able to dribble out in an exam) but some of them actually help you to undestand the middle column, or are content. Please don't make the mistake I made in prelim notes and don't include them cos they really are important
  6. B


    Mine start march 17 and go until march 27! Obviously our school is unimaginative with their choice of assesments cos they're all written tests that last between 1.5 and 2 hours...but I suppose it's better than the 3 hour gems we have to look forward to at the end :D I'm green with envy for...
  7. B

    New dot point for 2003

    Wow they have that book already??? Unfortunately I bought my copy before the new book existed!!! I was wondering when they were going to bring out the new books... I guess buying them early didn't help. I originally thought they just subtracted from the 2002 syllabus to make the 2003 one...
  8. B

    New dot point for 2003

    In the Blueprint of Life syllabus students column there is a dot point saying: "Process information to construct a flow chart that shows that changes in DNA sequences can result in changes in cell activity" I know that this is a new dot point kindly added for 2003 (aren't we lucky...
  9. B

    Homework vs. Study

    Well u all seem to have your time pretty well set up... a free period I suppose would help, but unfortunately I don't have any! Does the note you make from homework/class work count as study notes? Or do seperate notes need to be made/typed up to count as study note?
  10. B

    Homework vs. Study

    When you add up the time you study in say a week, would you include the time spent doing homework set from school/tutoring? I seem to spend all the time I have doing homework!!!:mad: Do some subjects seem to get more homework, or is it my combination (Adv english, 2u/3u maths, phys, chem...