Recent content by becko the gecko

  1. B

    Exam Thoughts

    well i thought the exam was overall ok. a few brain snaps and had to make up info for the last communication Q which was wrong! but other than that no problems.... the exam isnt supposed to take three hours BUT my school was advised that we were given three hours so that we could plan our...
  2. B

    Imaginative Journey: Unexpected Destinations

    wow reading this has made me feel so much better! i approached it from a similar angle saying how destinations weren't just physical, but could also be realisations etc. also talked about Prospero giving up magic... funny how we all think so similar! i also talked about the 'destination' of the...
  3. B

    UAI prediction please

    not sure what info is needed so i'll give my trial mark and overall rankings: Advanced English- 20/130 Ext 1 English - 2/15 Bio- 4/58 Studies of religion 2- 3/51 Legal studies 2/17 Mathematics- 19/58 trial marks Advancced english-79 ext english - 90 biology- 73...
  4. B

    Harwood: my essays

    Re: my essays i wouldnt mind doing it, it would help me get ideas and broaden my own knowledge Harwood's my favourite module as well so send when your ready bud!
  5. B

    how much study are you doing a day?

    made a study timetable which schedules 9 hours of study a day in 3 hour blocks, with 1 hour breaks in between. i am usually the biggest procastinator but i am suprised at how well i am actually sticking to it! the only thing im not doing is the half hour exercise break :S so if your having...
  6. B

    CSSA paper marks

    91 but we didnt do catholic paper everyone's done to well!! congrats
  7. B

    CSSA Maths Trial!!

    74/120 definately isn't a brilliant mark but its my best exam mark for maths in 2 years so im very happy!
  8. B

    Extension English Essays...

    techniques are ESSENTIAL! in my experience it can make the difference between a B and an A so include as many as you can.... ensuring they are relevant!
  9. B

    CSSA Legal Paper

    hmm im thinking we had a different paper to CSSA... the fisrt short answer question was define human rights and where they come from haha how easy!! our mutiple choice answer sheet said CSSA at the top but so :S think i did alright.... not to sure if i actually answered the questions...
  10. B

    CSSA Bio 07

    ahh bio!! i agree with all the complaints on the cuckoo question it was crazy!! i finished early but with half an hour to go... im hoping to get at least 80 but probably more like 70-75ish there's just soooo much content! gunna start studying for HSC ASAP!!
  11. B

    CSSA Maths Trial!!

    ok maths... well i found the paper reasonable my school has to alter some questions as we havent done geometrical applications so wasnt EXACTLY the same paper... still have trouble with questions like the last half of questions 10... more practice!!
  12. B

    CSSA Trial 07

    i also did revenge tragedy and thought the questions were pretty good! the essay was more random than the creative but... the creative lacked inspiration... but i really have to work on my creative writting :S
  13. B

    CSSA Modules paper

    modules was good :) harwood q was hard to interpret but got there in the end! one english exam to go yay! then onto maths :(
  14. B

    CSSA paper

    ahh the AOS paper was pooh! well section three anyhow.. i just cant get my head around the whole journey concept :( think i wrote 4 for section 1 6 for section 2 4.5 for section 3 so hard to write much in 40 minutes!
  15. B

    Dance Champ Teen Found Dead Before Exam

    from reading this discussion it is evident that the issue of suicide is generally misunderstood, ignored and more commonly dealt with in such a way that negative stigma is attached to the victims. it is really only those that have expereinced suicidal notions that understand lil's actions...