Recent content by BeastHouse

  1. BeastHouse

    Japanese Police how they roll

    They probably employ more Australian workers than any other company in Australia. Hence the reason to buy them. When you buy a foreign car, your taking the meal off a hard Aussie workers table.
  2. BeastHouse

    Japanese Police how they roll

    They have more than 1. I was there last year and saw several around the country. Oh and those light bars look like shit, so un-aerodynamic. And Australia doesnt use that imported shit because we support Australian companies with Australian workers.
  3. BeastHouse

    Speed camera on the federal highway???

    Could have been a police camera car or a safety cam. All NSW fixed Speed cameras have to have signs either side. No signs, no fixed speed camera.
  4. BeastHouse

    First Crash

    Your car looks like a shit box. Why bother fixing it?
  5. BeastHouse

    My AUI Ford Falcon

    They are good if you want to get to know your local mechanic. The very last ones of the model werent too bad. MOST of the bugs were ironed out by then. And because of their reputation, you can pick up one for a song, provided you can stand being knocked by your more car savvy acquaintances. If I...
  6. BeastHouse

    First Crash

    Oh My God! Please Bann Women from the streets - God help us all! I realise the first with the DUI was not your fault, but for fucks sake!
  7. BeastHouse

    My AUI Ford Falcon

    No offence, but what a crap bucket. AU was Fords worst attempt at making a Falcon. Worst breaks ever.
  8. BeastHouse

    What Cars does everyone drive??

    Shintzu check out and look at the list on there. There is a bann on all V8's turbos and other sports cars for P platers post March 4, 2005. I beat it by 7 days :D
  9. BeastHouse

    Pics of my prelude

    Whats the insurance like on that baby?
  10. BeastHouse


    Anyone here into this? I'de like to start a club for keen crocheters :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  11. BeastHouse

    First Speeding Ticket Just look here Noobs
  12. BeastHouse

    First Crash

    Not true at all. If the incident is under the value of $500 then Police are only required to attend by request - eg. if one of the drivers involved starts getting hot headed. Anything over $500, Police are required to attend for insurance purposes, as well as traffic control.
  13. BeastHouse

    Police speed cameras

    No it does not mean that. Its up to the opperator.
  14. BeastHouse

    Police speed cameras

    Wasnt the RADAR in the Subie, was the speedo. But it doesnt really matter what they use as a Highway Patrol vehicle now as they have Digital Speedometers which is independant of the vehicles speedo. BRING BACK THE SUBIE!