Recent content by bayside9

  1. bayside9

    How do you steer?

    taxi palm haha, but yeah whats the pull and push?
  2. bayside9

    The 'After School Hangover'

    Yeah i had that in first semester of uni, was so broke it wasn't funny. Couldn't land a job, ended up eating my savings, had to weight up bare necessities like petrol/rent/food > everything else. Lived only on migoreng for abit- and goon for going out. classy
  3. bayside9

    Fresh Prince of Bel Air

    My mom got scared, and said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought, "Nah, forget it. Yo, holmes to Bel-Air!" I...
  4. bayside9

    Anybody NOT going to schoolies at all?

  5. bayside9

    Semester 2 Sexams: When do you finish?

    Had 3 this week with my last exam- maths next tues, then no more math units ever. yew
  6. bayside9

    The Woolworths Thread

    Yeah that's pretty much whats it like. Probably because theres alot of heavy lifting and shit lol
  7. bayside9

    speeding lols

  8. bayside9

    The Woolworths Thread

    I'm in grocery and there are shifts on thursday nights and saturdays which would suit you, so don't know you cant pick those up. I am from perth though, so not sure if it's vastly different in other states. Stupid late night trading not getting passed. Edit: no you don't have to be 18 or older...
  9. bayside9

    Who has a redbull before exams??

    Pfft. It has basically the same amount of caffeine as an instant cup of coffee. The supplements are only B vitamins, for energy release. Do you even know what your talking about?
  10. bayside9

    Masturbating before exams.

    lol, funniest thread I've read in a while
  11. bayside9

    your opinions on experimenting with drugs.. while on schoolies?

    Just stick to ketamine and robo'ing
  12. bayside9

    Best TV series EVER

    Dexter yo
  13. bayside9

    Pulling your muscle, some questions...

    Like alot of people have suggested, sounds like an electrolyte imbalance. Muscle and nerve function require 3 main minerals, calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium to a lesser extent. Various electrolyte draining shit draws these elements out - sweating (physical exercise) + other factors...
  14. bayside9

    The Woolworths Thread

    Cheers for the help. Where about are the seals kept, assuming the truck has just arrived?
  15. bayside9

    "lame" for voicing an opinion? Seriously loving all the neg rep, get fucked.

    "lame" for voicing an opinion? Seriously loving all the neg rep, get fucked.