Recent content by bangali

  1. B

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    Actually really digging this idea! Admins, cool idea - what about setting up a private board, where access is a simple as sending in a brief application outlining one's eligibility (i.e. their levels of douchebaggery, social ineptitude and selfishness). To keep out those pesky SJWs the group...
  2. B

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    Mods, thanks for the great responses, and I totally get where you're coming from - moderating on a large forum is time-consuming and involves hard decisions; I was just angry and upset at how I was seeing others treated at the time. It's great that it's getting better over the years! Expect an...
  3. B

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    Actually beg pardon - you're right. I guess as a newbie and onlooker... it's just that that 'handful' stands out sore-thumb-style and muddies the waters of the whole place. I also don't see the mods stepping in and taking action (though they probably do more than I realise; I'm new haha) which...
  4. B

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    so... that's a decent excuse to be racist, religiously intolerant, trollish, flaming, abusive and somewhat inhuman? (not saying you're all like that haha, no way, just giving feedback on my feeling of the pervasive culture as a newbie)
  5. B

    What would you like to see on BOS?

    Respect. It seems to me a fairly rare commodity, here.
  6. B

    Approaching past papers

    I reckon a mix; if you're really not confident (which is often the case when you're starting on past papers), then closed-book can be a nightmare that scars you for life, at the start. I liked to start open book and head towards closed book as I got better through the year. If you're doing it...
  7. B

    "Studying Smarter"?

    Agreed, which is why I like the spaced repetition flashcard program Anki, because it basically takes out all the think-work required - you don't have to do the planning which can become too complex. Just build the habit of a 15-minute time-slot for Anki each day and it does it for you. (you can...
  8. B

    Do you understand shakespeares text without reading an analysis/summary?

    I love reading and often get through a novel a day, including some pretty archaic English, but I still find Shakespeare physically unreadable :P Before class, I'd pre-read the no fear Shakespeare version so you're not lost in class.
  9. B

    Working part time whilst studying

    If you're struggling to get a job, both hahaha.
  10. B

    "Studying Smarter"?

    Good point, actually - appreciate it. So to take the top of the list, 'working with full concentration'. It takes a lot of thought and practise, I know I still struggle with it a lot. But if you: - set a timer at the start of a study session and pledge that you'll focus on X activity during...
  11. B

    "Studying Smarter"?

    Have you heard of the Pareto Principle (also called the 80/20 rule or the law of the vital few)? It basically says that in almost every situation, 20% of the input (effort, time, employees, w/e) will cause 80% of the output (results, income, happiness, w/e), and the remaining 80% of the input...
  12. B

    Human Condition?

    To be more honest, it's a cliched term that students overuse without understanding it because it sounds nice and they think it will help their marks. I'd steer clear of using it - it doesn't generally add anything; talk more specifically about specific values/traits/emotions the author is...
  13. B

    Study schedules and limits? Give examples and advice.

    Key thing to remember is that it's what works for you. For you, different break frequencies/lengths and subject focuses will work compared with other people. But tips about procrastination/eternally-extending breaks: if at any time you notice that you're wasting time on the Internet, try...
  14. B

    Is anyone here going to the free UTS lectures?

    Yup, can confirm :) I can't say about the HSC lectures, but for the equivalent VCE lectures run by the same group, they go through topic by topic rather than the less useful tips/tricks style. They're trying to give you a grasp of the subject matter before you get to it.
  15. B

    Is anyone here going to the free UTS lectures?

    Yes, really truly, no kidding. Get on it! Next week, book fast if they're not already booked out :)