Recent content by banco55

  1. B

    Violence erupts in Sydney over anti-Islam film

    Even if the protest was 100% peaceful they would still be a bunch of morons. What are they protesting? A 14 minute poorly made video that was made by a bunch of idiots.
  2. B

    Violence erupts in Sydney over anti-Islam film

    Ahhhh the joys of mass muslim immigration. They've brought so much to this country.
  3. B

    "Student challenges ruling on her HSC"

    I hope they make a large costs order against her.
  4. B

    Muslims trying to drive hindus out of Auburn

    Behind-the-scenes talks are trying to put a stop to terrifying, violent attacks on a minority religious community, write Eamonn Duff and Natalie O'Brien. IT BEGAN with minor acts of vandalism, including egg throwing and smashed...
  5. B

    Campbell quits as NSW transport minister over gay club scandel

    I wonder how many blackmail attempts have been made against that fat idiot. He was police minister for awhile I'd be surprised if senior police weren't aware of his habits.
  6. B

    Attempted Islamic car bombing in New York

    So you think a nine year old can give consent? Like to see you make that argument in court. The phrase statutory rape is a term used in some legal jurisdictions to describe sexual activities where one participant is below the age required to legally consent to the behavior.
  7. B

    Attempted Islamic car bombing in New York

    Just remember not all muslims are terrorists but nearly all terrorists are muslims.
  8. B

    Attempted Islamic car bombing in New York

    A car bomb in the CBD. Muslim immigration: the gift that keeps on giving.
  9. B

    Greens launch Senate inquiry against endless population growth, Liberals back it

    We gain very little from population driven by large scale immigration (and stand to lose a lot). Time to lock the gates.
  10. B

    Muslim leader wants elements of sharia in Australia - SMH 08MARCH2010

    Shhhh you are not supposed to mention that muslims have achieved relatively little since the "golden age".
  11. B

    Why are people generally politically apathetic?

    The majority of people in western countries generally only pay close attention/get involved in politics if things go seriously off the rails. Life in Australia is pretty good for the vast majority of people so it makes sense that they are not overly interested in politics.
  12. B

    What Australian TV programs should get the axe?

    Be quicker to ask which australian tv shows shouldn't be axed. Show like packed to the rafters just typify the mediocrity of Australian TV.
  13. B

    "Hairy Surprise"

    I think that would be taken as a given if you were marrying an Arab girl.
  14. B

    "Hairy Surprise"

    If by "very rare" you mean they make up a sizable proportion of Arab muslim marriages in the middle east then yep they are "very rare".
  15. B

    Fuck off we're full. Immigrants taking true blue Aussie houses

    Another limousine liberal. Should China accept lots of immigrants to avoid the downsides of a China-centric nation? Should Egypt accept lots of immigrants to avoid the downside of an Arab-centric nation?