Recent content by azzikiel

  1. azzikiel

    29th CRUISE!

    The cruise was freaking crazy!! the only part was the fights last night.., most of us oatley boys got locked up.. but apart from that it was insane.! WOOO
  2. azzikiel

    eeeeeeey anyone on the 29th nov cruise??!

    hehehe oatley boys rocked the place...! owned them.. we got a few broken noses and that but the security guards were the one to give us that. but apart from that the cruise was crazy... Buon Appetito!!!!!!!!!!
  3. azzikiel

    Question of misadventure

    thanks for replying.. well im quite affected i feel.. Its not easy seeing your brother in a neck brace not moving.. they are stable now but thats not the point.. i worry much more about my family than the hsc..
  4. azzikiel

    Question of misadventure

    In the past two days my family has had a string of bad luck.. yesterday afternoon my brother fell off his bike and landed on his head with no helmet on and today my sister slipped on the stairs which were covered in moss and landed on some quite sharp rocks and had to be ambulanced to the...
  5. azzikiel

    Prepared story or making it up in teh exam [paper 1 section II]

    I have a prepared story which i will just adapt to the question.. it worked for me in trials.. so hopefully it will work come monday.. ciao.
  6. azzikiel

    CSSA Bio

    My god.. I been studying all day.. I am going to fail.. best efforts.. 30%.
  7. azzikiel

    fess up...who likes BIO?

    I love the subject. But dislike the teacher.. Such is life. EDIT: Hate is to much of a strong word. :P
  8. azzikiel

    What's your age? HSC people

    18! Woah.. I turned 17 on the 25th of July.. lol youngest in my year..
  9. azzikiel

    CSSA Bio

    Yeah im doing it...longest three hours of my life it will be.. lol
  10. azzikiel

    Sick for trials..?

    What happens if.. On saturday i was punched in the head at soccer.. and ever since my jaw has been aching.. I can't study that well.. If i went to the doctors.. would it be legitimate even though the pain is not all the time? Lol funny question.. but its true. P.S He started it. :P
  11. azzikiel

    ATTN: case study HSC usage

    What case study did you complete it on?
  12. azzikiel

    Catholic Trial Paper

    The exam wasnt to bad.. I just needed more time.. How did everyone else go>?
  13. azzikiel

    Catholic Trial Paper

    Im completing it on monday as well
  14. azzikiel

    cssa trial 2005 english modules

    I felt the witness question was simple.. I wrote about three pages.. thats quite good as i have rather small writing lol
  15. azzikiel

    CSSA Trial 2005

    Cramming time guys! haha.. I feel sorry for the guys that have legal and ipt on the one day.. Will be a very long day for you people.. Ipt is usually alright though.. anyone know where a copy of the 2004 CSSA can be obtained? Or anyone know of some of the questions they asked? Thanks and...