Recent content by Anthonygeorgiou

  1. A

    Post your 2006 UAI here!

    91.00 YAY SAM predicted 90.35, it went up 0.65 Hey, does anybody know how we find out our schools rank in our local areas?
  2. A

    Post your 2006 HSC results here!

    Ancient History- 90 Economics- 89 (damn so close) Business- 89 (again so close) Studies of Religion 2- 89 (not again LOL) Mathematics- 80 English Advanced- 75 (damn English)
  3. A

    Australia and New Zealand 'should become one'

    At the end of the day, I suppose we are pretty similar with our sytems of government, and linkages between our two nations. Either way wouldn't really be detrimental. I suppose if we merged trade would increase and maybe migration. If we didn't they'd still be a regional ally, with many...
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    Do complete Lefties and Greenies get on your nerves?

    What can I say, but thankyou all for a logical discussion amongst people of intelligence. My post was designed to see what people thought of the extreme left, but don't get me wrong it was an example, just like extreme conservatives and those of the extreme right piss me off just as equally. Its...
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    Do complete Lefties and Greenies get on your nerves?

    I'm sure there's many of us out there who find radical and complete lefties as nutters. Am I right? You see some protesting at global summits, against the phenomenon of globalisation, when half of them are using mobiles made overseas, clothes produced with cheap labour, and denouncing the...
  6. A

    Who should lead the opposition into the Federal election next year?

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. And yes, couldn't agree more, a severe economic downturn on WorkChoices......Gosh. Mass sakcings as businesses struggle. Howard n Costello must love this leadership battle n a buoyant economy.
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    Who should lead the opposition into the Federal election next year?

    LOL have to agree with u on that. I don't see much hope for the Labor Party. It's just not doing enough. The only votes theyll pick up strongly next year, is not from their 'great' policies, but Howard's sometime shonky policies (I.R., environment for example), those who hate Howard, and the...
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    Who should lead the federal opposition into the Federal election next year?

    Considering federal Labor politicians are working the phones this weekend, to sure up support for their own backsides, who would you personally prefer to lead Labor into the election? Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard, the lesser known, yet some say enthusiastic team, or a Kim Beazley/Jenny...
  9. A

    No Schoolies? No Job atm? Does that sound like you?

    I'm sure there's alot of other 06ers who aern't on schoolies, incessantly bored, looking for idle things to do, when almost all your mates are kicking back on some island or cruise. My schoolies plans feel apart, but I'll probably just go on a big European holiday next year. In the meantine...
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    Paper 2 Distaster Stories...

    Yeah suffered a disaster mysellf. I did King Lear n Truth, but left the easiest one-BNW last. Only 2 pages done............ahhhhhhhhhhh
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    2007/8 Federal election

    the Dems are not too bad-alittle to left. The Greens are on planet Xylon-a party with a lost cause LOL. I think if there was less part politics, and more action we'd have better spent money, more efficient government and better services. I hope we see a strong resurgence in independent...
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    2007/8 Federal election

    To which political party do you plan to give your first preference in next year's federal election? Why do you believe that party deserves your first preference?
  13. A

    Can i get over 90?

    LOL Zureik!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehehehehe (I better beat u)