Recent content by Anon9796

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    Why did you choose legal studies?

    How does legal studies appeal to you? Why choose legal studies over other subjects?
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    Which of chemistry, bio, and physics should i chose????

    Other than interest, what factors should influence my choice of the three sciences?Are there certain skills more important in one than another? I've looked at their HSC papers and there doesn't seem much difference between the three, except in content.
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    Calculating moderated assessment mark?

    thanks to all answers @utopian radical i lost you at step four.. what do i do with the internal z scores and the mean and sd of the external marks?
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    Calculating moderated assessment mark?

    If I have all the internal school assessment + external hsc exam scores and ranks of a particular class, is it possible to then work out the moderated assessment marks of all the students? If so, how?
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    Is it better to do 12 or 10 Units for HSC?

    If you do 12 units, is it best to put the same amount of effort into each subject? Or not put in as much effort into your 'back-up' subject?