Recent content by Amaybro

  1. A

    Distinction Courses Info Day, Thursday 23/11

    Thanks for the info spadijer! sorry i cant really enter a discussion right now, i've added you on msn tho ;)
  2. A

    Distinction Courses Info Day, Thursday 23/11

    Why? Webby, i understand your thoughts. The constant reference to the size of 'the package' to appear at our doorsteps as well as reminders to consistently keep up to date helped reinforce that. I feel my interest should be enough to carry me through, but i will think twice before posting my...
  3. A

    The Alchemist

    The Alchemist is probably a good text to do. I did it for a HW question we had on imag. journeys but its not very good (wrote it 2 mins on the bus :p) and i'm doing paradise lost as my real related txt so can't help you too much... I would focus on motifs and symbols (religious allusions...
  4. A

    Distinction Courses Info Day, Thursday 23/11

    *sigh* such blatant arrogance :p Granted cosmology is a great course but i disagree it 'pwned' all other courses, unless your a complete maths/science type of person who focuses on objective work, and not an english 'must think of another way' type of person (i'm stereotyping here, a lot of...
  5. A

    Distinction Courses Info Day, Thursday 23/11

    OK guys, its over... What did ya'll think? I found the whole day interesting, somewhat compelling (they make it sound like so much more work than ppl on BoS have been suggesting :p)
  6. A

    Distinction Courses Info Day, Thursday 23/11

    Ever arrogant searcher whose soul shimmers across the void that is the cosmos. :P On a lighter note ill see all you pplz there :)
  7. A

    Distinction Courses Info Day, Thursday 23/11

    Most probably yes... Analyse? :P lol. there was a thread on this earlier... neway, which course did you do? did you like it?
  8. A

    Question regarding related texts for all english

    Hey guys, At school we were explicitly told not to use related texts that were set texts for other schools/classes. I was wondering if this applies to preliminary material as well? I notice Heart of Darkness as one of the suggested supp. material in Module B in this forum, but since we...
  9. A

    Distinction Courses, Doing it? Done it?

    Thanks for the info guys! I probably won't get >90 for maths because i ruined the trial (absoutely blew the test counting for 100% of school assesment) but hoping for >95 in the art hsc and a total VA atleast 90+... Art can be very subjective though so i can never be sure :( EDIT: I was asking...
  10. A

    Distinction Courses, Doing it? Done it?

    Care to elaborate? Anyway i should see the rest of you guys there as well! :) Anyone know an approximate mark required to get into the course? I can imagine it would be high but how high? and how important is the rest of your report (i.e. the year 11) in the process?
  11. A

    Art Express 2007

    Thankyou! ;)
  12. A

    What Subject Am I Better Off Keeping

    I suppose you've never heard of the 'myster UAI'? Its when you get below 50... BUT ignoring the negativity, and getting back onto topic: i would keep both as well. Ultimately when deciding between subjects you have to know what it is you want to do, if you are gong to UNi (i.e. if you're...
  13. A

    whats a good raw 4unit HSC mark?

    Hahaha that's a good one Ragin :) I understood what you meant, i like creativity in all its shapes, sizes, oh and yes Ragin, even colours (although it obviously won't help this time :p)
  14. A

    48 Hours!!!

    2 minutes... I dont know why i bother counting down :p