Recent content by alektorophobia

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    for those who are looking for a kick ass holiday...go to beachcomber island fiji... i have never had a better time in my life nor been drunker!! i went there for schoolies and will have memories for ever, in fact im returning again nex year!
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    Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.. that's a journey, right??

    i used forest gump for a movie and i found that childrens books were excellent for physical journeys...
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    Teachers' reactions to your results??

    HA! i would pay A THOUSAND dollars to see the look on my religion teachers face... tell me i wouldnt pass will she? 89 biatch!!..suck on that!!
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    30 or less

    my brother got an asterix (below 30) and hes one of the most succesful people i know...the hsc hasnt got a say in how you make your life...
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    worst song ever

    i have to say the WORST song i have ever heard is bubble pop electric by gwen stefani...which i hate to say cause she makes good music.
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    i have absolutley no idea, where abouts is your hotel? we are on this little island (beachcomber) its west of the nadi airport.
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    yeah that'd be heaps good... we'll have to figure out how to catch up.
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    The OMG how the hell am i NOT finished yet?

    well i have the very last exam...stupid drama and i have special pro. so ill get out even later. i think we're all in the same boat.
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    What were funniest momentf of your HSC

    i fell asleep for an hour in my history exam...i had been up since 4am cramming
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    erm ...mod hist?

    yeah i still havnt studyed.I got up at 4am to cram and didnt do anything...well im sure i did something but it wasnt modern. crap im so stupid.
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    Thinking about doing an all nighter

    damn it i am soooooo screwed for modern. i have no idea about anything... i got up at 4am to study but so far havnt really come up woth anything.
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    music in 3 hrs

    hey is anyone ready for the music exam today? i hate aurals..bah
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    Rock bands (other than punk rock)

    i love queens of the stone age, system of a down, apc and queen...i saw queens of the stone age and soad at big day out, some of the best moments of my life!!
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    How And Where Do You Study?

    you so did not, i got it from vice...dont spose you picked me up a copy in the holidays? well im going na nas so you call me good lady!! love you long time xoxx
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    How And Where Do You Study?

    right...well im off so call me if you can. bye munchkinface