Recent content by ace__3001

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    did anyone get nursing>

    One of my friends got into nursing at Callaghan
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    I'll be seeing YOU next year.

    I'll be at Callaghan doing Biomedical Science, my 1st preference
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    UAI without tutors?

    95.25. No tutors, but some excellent teachers.
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    UNCLE: 5 UAI points extra for rural/isolated students

    OK, according to "Rural/Remote Entry Scheme - Bachelor of Medicine Course - This scheme allows applicants to the Bachelor of Medicine who are completing their Year 12 studies in a designated rural or remote location...
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    Contest by Matthew Reilly (Matthew Reilly thread)

    Next book I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere that Matthew Reilly's next book (after 7 wonders) is going to be another Scarecrow book. Personally I am sick of Scarecrow and want to read about different characters for a change. What do you think?
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    Biomedical Science

    Can someone please tell me if you need to sit for the UMAT to get into this course or is it purely based on UAI? I searched all over the Newcastle Uni website but I couldn't find a straight answer. Thankyou
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    Any bass players?

    Generally I go with fingering, but picking is good also because it gets a different sound which can come in handy.
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    Anticipated releases for '05

    I can't wait for Family Guy Season 4. :D
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    Came across this site, and I was wondering if many people knew about it. They provide ultra summaries of heaps of books (they do movies too) and they're quite funny. My favourite is: "The Collected Work of Jane Austen By Jane Austen Ultra-Condensed by...
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    My favourite fantasy writer has to be David Eddings, although I don't like his latest series, the Dreamers or whatever, and Regina's song was pretty lame. The Riftwar saga was great, but Magician was easily the best part. Can't go past LOTR and The Hobbit of course. But the only Fantasy...
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    The Office

    One of my favourite quotes would have to be "Are you going to bring the toys tonight?" And also when they ask that woman (don't know her name) what she looks for in a man and she says "I like blacks". The reactions are hilarious.
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    Books u like

    The Belgariad-David Eddings Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Magician-Raymond E. Feist
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    Hugh Grant is a repulsive twat.

    Don't do it dad, he's bigger than you! Hahaha Cracks me up everytime.
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    What's the last game you played?

    The last game I finished was Metroid Prime 2:Echoes (God that game rocks), and I'm currently playing Soul Calibur 2 on GC.
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    Hugh Grant is a repulsive twat.

    Has anyone else seen that ad for the world movies channel? I saw it on SBS once. There are captions down the bottom saying "This is Hugh Grant playing a villain", "This is Hugh Grant playing a playboy", "This is Hugh Grant playing a bachelor" "This is Hugh Grant playing etc etc etc. The whole...