Recent content by 2700wrms

  1. 2700wrms

    BUSL250 Final Exam - Turnitin

    Hey there, finished the EXAM FOR busl250 just wondering if anyone knows how to submit it to turnitin, it doesn't allow me to submit without a class id and password which obviously hasn't been given to us, so whats the go? Thanks
  2. 2700wrms

    International Studies - Quick Question

    Nah I know what you mean, i'll have a chat with someone, because I'm ultra keen to study overseas culture etc etc, but culture dealt in English only. Even if its not the right degree, I'll just cop it and bail it after the first semester, because I want to do Business Admin for sure, I just...
  3. 2700wrms

    International Studies - Quick Question

    I still can't see why its not possible or the norm to study the culture of London(example) and how they practice business in this case. Like the majority of the world speaks English and deals in English so I can't see the practicallity of going elsewhere in the world. Like I just want to know...
  4. 2700wrms

    International Studies - Quick Question

    But i'm learning English so that ultimately means I could go to an English speaking country doesn't it???? Even if I am fluent, I see no point in learning another language (in my case). I'm just basically asking, why is it deemed 'unethical' to go to an English speaking country. The term...
  5. 2700wrms

    International Studies - Quick Question

    Is it mandatory to learn a foreign language? Because if I was going to go overseas I would go to London or the States as a first choice and they obviously speak english.
  6. 2700wrms

    P1 Driver Speeding 8-9 Kms???????

    If the officer has official evidence of you going 98, then you have no choice but to hand over your liscence for 3 months, because a speeding fine will only be 3 points and 80 bucks, but in your case you have 4 points, but its a speeding fine on your P1 licence so its automatically lost. If...
  7. 2700wrms

    do you think the HSC questions this year have been more general then previous years?

    Finally someone with common sense, my hat goes off to you, I think with the acknowlegdement and questioning of my statements, I think my dad might be able to slot you in somewhere
  8. 2700wrms

    do you think the HSC questions this year have been more general then previous years?

    You have totally missed the point, typical of somebody who is lacking common sense, determination and general intelligence. Do you think I'm worried about my results? When I know I will get what I need to do at UNI, a 91 to be exact, no not at all. The claim of these HSC exams that you...
  9. 2700wrms

    do you think the HSC questions this year have been more general then previous years?

    Let me ask you this simple question, are you a pussy? Do you understand the concept of real intelligence in the real world? The simplistic art of common sense, which isn't ironic that it is lost in our society due to complete and utter impertance's like yourself. Was this lachy1878 guy taking...
  10. 2700wrms

    Spesh Provisions

    I think if you have special provisions for HSC exams, whats the point of simply being alive? If you can't handle sitting in a room for a few hours, and need to be in isolation, then 10 times out of 10 and what better way to than to drain tax payers (aka me) payments as. as you will simply...
  11. 2700wrms

    Hsc 2009 Dates

    Re: Do I really need a tutor to get good UAI? if your already worrying about getting a UAI of 100, made my hat goes off to you. People like you are ruining our society, that was once so patriotic, enjoyable to be apart of, now, utimately ruined by individuals like yourself. Thinking its a...
  12. 2700wrms

    do you think the HSC questions this year have been more general then previous years?

    endless brothers and sisters love. Does that answer penetrate into your thick skull, fu-ck me, seems like a common problem now-a-days, common sense verse book-smart. My dad is the CEO of a ASX Top 200 company, and he tells me day in day out, the HSC is a detrminant of how hard you can...
  13. 2700wrms

    do you think the HSC questions this year have been more general then previous years?

    let me pose this question to you 'SH33P', how intelligent is a piece of string? Message me on the day the results come out and show me some cocky results, because not only am I getting a vibe of a fu-ck witt, let alone a geek trying to get an opinion that unfortunately you will never be able...
  14. 2700wrms

    What is your favourite song to study to?

    u just don't get it do you mate, i'm sure alot of other men would like to meet you in the street - hopefully your not going to the goldcoast - god help you if you do
  15. 2700wrms

    Another UAI Estimate

    Update after Trials Ranks are as follows Business - 6/ 46 Economics - 7/26 General Mathematics - 8/49 Geography - 4/12 English Advanced - 35/60 Religion - who cares 82.50 possible with average HSC marks (forget the variables)