Recent content by Пaтpик

  1. Пaтpик

    gap year?

    I'll either travel europe or join the army for gap year
  2. Пaтpик

    Rudd's Education Reform: Laptops to 9-12 Seconday Students

    Why does everyone need a computer at school anyway? Thats why they invented the pen and paper - because the computer cant be used for everything!
  3. Пaтpик

    Schoolies 2009!!

    Where is Torquay??
  4. Пaтpик

    Who here has taken a gap yr B4??

    Have a gap year in the armed forces, thats what i'm thinking of doing!
  5. Пaтpик

    Australia - Top 5 best country in the world?

    I would say Australia is a pretty good country...until we become like the US!!
  6. Пaтpик

    Lack of Motivation?

    I just love the satisfaction I get from learning something new! Learning the history of the world is my motivation for modern history. I know practically every date of every battle and important event that happened during WW1 and that is what keeps me motivated!!!
  7. Пaтpик

    Best game of all time??

    I believe all these play station and x-box and whatever else they've invented games are a complete waste of time and money! I feel sorry for all you people who waste your lives on these pointless games! Do something useful in your lives that will help you later on in life LOSERS!!!!!
  8. Пaтpик

    Lack of Motivation?

    I only got 2 exams left!! Hahahahahaha!! Holidays on Wednesday!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Thats my motivation!
  9. Пaтpик

    Does God exist?

    Christians are stupid??? Christianity is has world's LARGEST number of followers! Its more likely that you are stupid than the entire Christian population!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Пaтpик

    Religious affiliation

    Does God allow athiests into His kingdom??
  11. Пaтpик

    Does God exist?

    I've read some of these comments and some (like the one above) make absolutely no sense!!! Only God would understand what ur saying! In response to the original question - yes God does exist!
  12. Пaтpик

    Best TV series EVER

    The office(american) is crap!!!! Watch the British one - much better!!!
  13. Пaтpик

    Where is the best place to find current Economic figures?
  14. Пaтpик

    Gap year!! What to do...

    I've never even been overseas - unless you count Hamilton Island! I'lld love to go to Europe and visit every country!