Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped? (2 Viewers)

Should Muslim immigration to Australia be stopped?

  • Yes

    Votes: 60 30.9%
  • No

    Votes: 116 59.8%
  • Dont care tbqh because either way I couldnt care less.

    Votes: 18 9.3%

  • Total voters


New Member
Oct 18, 2009
I don't know what the answer is, I'm not voting. Quite often muslims don't want to mix with mainstream society. I think there is mistrust on both sides of the fence. Mainstream society excludes them too. Some of the posts demonstrate the uninformed or generalised prejudice muslims face. Lebanese food is great. In ten years time arabic bakeries and restaurants will be all over Sydney. There was a time when fetta cheese, olives and salami was shunned and considered shit wog food. Things evolve with time. Hopefully we will be more united in the future. We need to be more sensitive of our differences.

I would like to know what the statistics (facts not innuendo) are on muslims that don't work vs general population that doesn't work. Who pays and how much. Where would I look for these stats?

The government are suckers for paying welfare to anyone overseas.
Jun 14, 2009
I don't know what the answer is, I'm not voting. Quite often muslims don't want to mix with mainstream society. I think there is mistrust on both sides of the fence. Mainstream society excludes them too. Some of the posts demonstrate the uninformed or generalised prejudice muslims face. Lebanese food is great. In ten years time arabic bakeries and restaurants will be all over Sydney. There was a time when fetta cheese, olives and salami was shunned and considered shit wog food. Things evolve with time. Hopefully we will be more united in the future. We need to be more sensitive of our differences.

I would like to know what the statistics (facts not innuendo) are on muslims that don't work vs general population that doesn't work. Who pays and how much. Where would I look for these stats?

The government are suckers for paying welfare to anyone overseas.
lol you're a fucktard.

you are comparing Australian muslims from Lebanon, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, north Africa and Bosnia to the general population. shit comparison is shit


Nov 7, 2009
Just listen to this post. What worries me is that this is an Australian site. Australia is a multicultural country!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? RESTRICT IMMIGRATION SO THAT A CERTAIN RELIGION CANNOT ENTER? I'm sorry but you must have some mental problem to be posting this. WHY WOULD A SCARF SCARE YOU?!?!?! Your just being ignorant by saying that Muslims restrict our rights. NOBODY IS BEING FORCED TO WEAR A SCARF!! YOU DON'T SEE PEOPLE WALKING AROUND THE STREET SLAPPING SCARVES ON PEOPLE'S HEADS. The people that wear them only do so because it is THEIR CHOICE. You talk about Saudi Arabia but let me ask you something. Have you ever been to Saudi? If not, then you have no right to say what goes on their. Even if they have forcefully restricted human rights. How about you consider this: Saudi Arabia is only one out of the hundreds of countries dominated by Muslims. I do admit they are a bit extreme. But to restrict immigration to Australia to disclude Muslims just because of your biased view of one Muslim country? Now this has just gone way out of control. It's people like you who start all the conflicts around the world. Let me just explain to you why Muslim women wear hijabs and restrictive clothes. It's less revealing! To think that that scares you is obvious ignorance.

BTW it is against Muslim religion to harm anyone else for no reason (50 lashes wtf?) and to perform genetic mutations. I don't know where you're getting these "facts" from but even if this does happen they clearly don't represent Muslims. It's funny how you can get the bad side out of anything. Pathetic.
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May 14, 2009
Northern NSW
BTW it is against Muslim religion to harm anyone else for no reason (50 lashes wtf?) and to perform genetic mutations. I don't know where you're getting these "facts" from but even if this does happen they clearly don't represent Muslims. It's funny how you can get the bad side out of anything. Pathetic.
In the post, he referred to lashings being given for a reason, one which seems trivial in our society.

And it was genital mutilation, not genetic mutation that was talking about.

Even if they're 'stupid' and 'ignorant', you still need to listen to what they say, lest you become as ignorant as they are.


New Member
Nov 20, 2009
Ok so. firstly, what i must say is that any one who is afraid of muslims or for that matter any cultural group tends to be either uneducated or some one who should be shipped out of the country, not that cultural group.

i have read all the posts, and everyone who has bad facts about muslims have gotten them from sources that are just full of it, probabley just as stupid as you. NO hezbollah did not steal recipies from the israelis, thats probabley one of the stupidists beliefs in the history of beliefs, LIKE, ARE YOU SERIOUS? no, we do not mutalate women in the african countries, if we do, this is not because they are muslim, its probabley because of their african culture. The word islam means peace, violence, swearing, bullying is a sin, so all of you who think we are violent barbarians, go get your facts right.

And to those of you who think islam teaches abuse of women, then let me make something clear. HITTING OUR WIFE IS A MAJOR SIN. we do not force them to wear a scarf or burka, its the womens choice. people in saudi arabia are not forced to do anything in the religion. THE KING OF SAUDI DRINKS ALCOHOL, HE IS LEAST RELIGIOUS OF ALL MUSLIMS FOR GOD SAKE.

finally, to all people who clicked yes in the vote, i must say, YOU are the ones who need to get sent to your own country, because YOU are the barbarians to think like that, not us.

may the multicultural policy of golf whitlam last forever, burning the hearts of all racist australians. AND IT WILL ;)


Nov 7, 2009
In the post, he referred to lashings being given for a reason, one which seems trivial in our society.

And it was genital mutilation, not genetic mutation that was talking about.

Even if they're 'stupid' and 'ignorant', you still need to listen to what they say, lest you become as ignorant as they are.
Even if they do lash over there, what does that have anything to do with Immigration? There is no reason to believe that they lash over here. In one case, a man in America was imprisoned for terrorism because his uncle was Middle Eastern. See how far people can go just to prove that someone, or in this case a certain ethnic group, is bad?

Sorry, the genital mutilation was my mistake, but that still is banned in Muslim society.

And even if he is "ignorant", I am still listening to what he says, and I totally disagree with it BECAUSE HE'S IGNORANT. If he had some objective rather than subjective facts, then maybe I would actually waste my time thinking about what he says. But ot be honest, ignorant people are just brainwashed idiots that waste people's time. I am looking at this from two sides. Yes there may be some denial of rights in Saudi Arabia, BUT that has NOTHING to do with immigration to Australia. There are no cases of such abuse in Australia. If it happened, they would be trialed by court. Please show me evidence of such abuse, because evidence that isn't concrete is just a waste of writing space :)
Nov 17, 2009
I hope there will be more people like OP to help others understand this awful mental disease called Islam. There is only one kind of medicine against it: Education. And education does not mean memorizing and parroting like brainless islamists do, but to learn how to think. Thinking includes also critical thinking, which is not allowed in Islam, because it poses a great danger to this cult. People who really learned to think, are immunized against stupidity and stupid religions like Islam. Due to such a nature of this cult one can only assume its followers are equally dangerous. It is in this nations best interest that we stop this cult increasing in numbers and those who do follow it shipped back to the old country.


Sep 18, 2009
I hope there will be more people like OP to help others understand this awful mental disease called Islam. There is only one kind of medicine against it: Education. And education does not mean memorizing and parroting like brainless islamists do, but to learn how to think. Thinking includes also critical thinking, which is not allowed in Islam, because it poses a great danger to this cult. People who really learned to think, are immunized against stupidity and stupid religions like Islam. Due to such a nature of this cult one can only assume its followers are equally dangerous. It is in this nations best interest that we stop this cult increasing in numbers and those who do follow it shipped back to the old country.
shit troll


Nov 7, 2009
I hope there will be more people like OP to help others understand this awful mental disease called Islam. There is only one kind of medicine against it: Education. And education does not mean memorizing and parroting like brainless islamists do, but to learn how to think. Thinking includes also critical thinking, which is not allowed in Islam, because it poses a great danger to this cult. People who really learned to think, are immunized against stupidity and stupid religions like Islam. Due to such a nature of this cult one can only assume its followers are equally dangerous. It is in this nations best interest that we stop this cult increasing in numbers and those who do follow it shipped back to the old country.
Wow what an ugly way of thinking. You would do great in an election in a multicultural society like Australia. Your just another ignorant fool that should be shipped out. I notice your a Jew but I wouldn't say it's typical, because not all jews are as dumb as you. How would you know that Islam opposes critical thinking? Islam was founded on education. The Quran is a book of teaching. It teaches us about the universe. Now plz stop talking shit because your just a waste of writing space. That space could have been filled up with something more useful. Now YOU'RE the kind of people that we don't need here in Australia. You should be shipped out you ugly troll.


Oct 14, 2004
How would you know that Islam opposes critical thinking?
Because like all religions, when subjected to critical thinking we reach only one conclusion: Islam is a load of phooey. But when we make such declarations we are subjected to an eternity in the fiery depths of hell, or in the case of Islam, we are subjected to a suicide bomber who sends us to hell while he enjoys forty seven virgins in heaven.

I voted yes. Moslems are doing no good in Australia and our importation of this cheap labour smelling of pungent BO is doing the country more harm than good. Our way of life is threatened and will continue to be on an ever increasing scale. We've been lucky to avoid the race wars seen in France and Britain so far, but it's unwise to think this eventually won't happen if Islam is allowed to rear its ugly mug any more in Australia.

And thus we're left with only one option as far as I can see: Prohibit any more Moslems to take up residency in our beloved sunburnt land. There are a few good ones amongst the bad eggs, but not enough, and I think filtering out these bad eggs is of aumost importance.

the ach

New Member
Oct 19, 2008
Honestly, im bloody scared. All these Muslims, their scarfs, the burkas, the food, it just makes me sick in the stomach. The culture is so barbaric, I heard that they do female genetic mutation is Some African Islamic communities and in Saudi Arabia you have to pray 5 times a day or you get 50 lashes.
Let tell you something, Islam is not the way you are potraying it. the thing that gets on my nervous. Is a bunch of idiots talking about Islam, you absolutely no nothing about it. I tell this people learn the religion and then come and criticise. As far as I'm concerned there is nothing wrong with Islam I'm pretty sure I know much more than these racists about Isalm.
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the ach

New Member
Oct 19, 2008
Honestly, im bloody scared. All these Muslims, their scarfs, the burkas, the food, it just makes me sick in the stomach. The culture is so barbaric, I heard that they do female genetic mutation is Some African Islamic communities and in Saudi Arabia you have to pray 5 times a day or you get 50 lashes.
Stop talking crap about Islam. You no nothing about Islam . I suggest you close your mouth, You racist fool.

the ach

New Member
Oct 19, 2008
I hope there will be more people like OP to help others understand this awful mental disease called Islam. There is only one kind of medicine against it: Education. And education does not mean memorizing and parroting like brainless islamists do, but to learn how to think. Thinking includes also critical thinking, which is not allowed in Islam, because it poses a great danger to this cult. People who really learned to think, are immunized against stupidity and stupid religions like Islam. Due to such a nature of this cult one can only assume its followers are equally dangerous. It is in this nations best interest that we stop this cult increasing in numbers and those who do follow it shipped back to the old country.
Shut your mouth. You Jewish Jerk. First tell your stupid govermnet to stop the killing of Innocent people in Plalestine. Then Come and talk to me about Isalm.


Nov 7, 2009
Because like all religions, when subjected to critical thinking we reach only one conclusion: Islam is a load of phooey. But when we make such declarations we are subjected to an eternity in the fiery depths of hell, or in the case of Islam, we are subjected to a suicide bomber who sends us to hell while he enjoys forty seven virgins in heaven.

I voted yes. Moslems are doing no good in Australia and our importation of this cheap labour smelling of pungent BO is doing the country more harm than good. Our way of life is threatened and will continue to be on an ever increasing scale. We've been lucky to avoid the race wars seen in France and Britain so far, but it's unwise to think this eventually won't happen if Islam is allowed to rear its ugly mug any more in Australia.

And thus we're left with only one option as far as I can see: Prohibit any more Moslems to take up residency in our beloved sunburnt land. There are a few good ones amongst the bad eggs, but not enough, and I think filtering out these bad eggs is of aumost importance.
So first you say that Islam is like any other religion in that prohibits critical thinking, but then you say that all Muslims should be banned from Australia? Wow, you have no idea what you're on about. If Islam is like any other religion, and you believe Muslims should be banned from Australia, then you're practically saying that ALL religions should be banned from Australia. By saying that it's like any other religion, but only it should be banned, you're clearly indicating you're own biased, racist beliefs.

JUST TO END IT OFF: For all those people who voted "yes", I believe you should have a look at the "RACIAL DISCRIMINATION ACT 1975", because thanks to that your dreams will never come true :)


Oct 14, 2004
Yes I'm saying ban all Muslims because the bad eggs are sufficiently pungent to allow for it. Sure there are a few good ones, but they are more than outweighed by the bad. Australia needs to protect herself from the sufferings endured by tolerant France and Mother Britain.

And no, what I said doesn't require me to ban all religions, because not every religion teaches, encourages and practices hatred, mass murder, stonings, rape and terrorism: Only Islam. You don't see Buddhists blowing up skyscrapers or Christians stoning their wives to death, do you?


May 14, 2009
Northern NSW
Yes I'm saying ban all Muslims because the bad eggs are sufficiently pungent to allow for it. Sure there are a few good ones, but they are more than outweighed by the bad. Australia needs to protect herself from the sufferings endured by tolerant France and Mother Britain.

And no, what I said doesn't require me to ban all religions, because not every religion teaches, encourages and practices hatred, mass murder, stonings, rape and terrorism: Only Islam. You don't see Buddhists blowing up skyscrapers or Christians stoning their wives to death, do you?
Read the book of Deuteronomy in the Bible. One of God's laws states that a woman who is raped and doesn't cry out must be stoned to death by the men of the town. A child who is disobedient of his parents must be stoned to death. What about the story of David and Goliath, whereby a boy, influenced by the spirit of God, is able to kill a giant with a stone?

God also explicitly states several types of people that He hates, including those who indulge in homosexuality, crossdressing, having sex with a woman on her period, clothing made from more than one material, abortion, magic, casual sex, and tattoos. Also, under the laws of the Old Testament, one is allowed to take a women prisoner-of-war as a personal sex toy for any amount of time, provided that once you are done with her you do not sell her as you would a regular slave.

Deuteronomy 25:19 said:
When the LORD your God gives you rest from all the enemies around you in the land he is giving you to possess as an inheritance, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget!
This excerpt also suggests that blatant genocide was not considered sinful, in the same way that radical Muslims believe eliminating the world of non-believers is their obligation to Allah.


Based on this evidence, I believe we should also exile all Christians currently residing in Australia, as well as banning any from coming in. Quite clearly the number of people in the world who would be prepared to follow these instructions is too great to chance them living in Australia. The Christian Bible preaches hatred, intolerance, genocide, promotes stoning and rape and banishes all who refuse to carry out its laws to the deepest bowels of Hell. We gentile Aussies cannot afford to be mingling with such potential loonies! Send them all back to whatever country they came from.
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Oct 14, 2004
Um, excuse me, you moron, but try to find a Christian church that still teaches those ramblings.

And I'll find you one hundred Islamic churches that teach even more heinous material.

Honestly piss off back to Lakemba you idiot.


May 14, 2009
Northern NSW
Um, excuse me, you moron, but try to find a Christian church that still teaches those ramblings.

And I'll find you one hundred Islamic churches that teach even more heinous material.

Honestly piss off back to Lakemba you idiot.
Westboro Baptist Church Homepage

Can I see your list of one hundred Islamic mosques that preach 'even more heinous material'?

And you can piss off back to the Bible Belt to go drink some moonshine with your sister-fucking buddies :rolleyes:

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