Year 9 Mathematics Ranking (1 Viewer)


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Original Poster said:
Hey guys,
I recently got my first-ever rank in Year 9! It was for mathematics and I got ranked 16 out of 150. I was just wondering if this rank is alright for mathematics as I really want to get into Extension 1 mathematics.
Assuming that you are taking Mathematics 5.3, your position seems favourable as you are ranked among the top students in your cohort. Of course, a rank in year 9 maths mainly serves to indicate your current performance and may not be as indicative of your ability to take Mathematics Extension 1 as your performance in year 10 maths (the content of which is naturally of a more complex nature) will be, although it would definitely indicate that you will be able to perform at a similar standard in year 10, ultimately allowing you to take Mathematics Extension 1.

Another factor that may be relevant, although perhaps not as significant, is the position of the school that you attend. If you attend a highly-ranked school, your current rank would most likely be favourable given that you would be part of an academically capable cohort, which would in turn be promising in terms of maintaining (and potentially improving) your standard of performance in year 10. However, even if your school is not highly ranked, you would be ranked within the top students of your cohort in both cases (as I mentioned), which is the reason I suggested that school rank may not be as significant in your case.

I hope this helps! 😄

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