long answer question in chem paper (1 Viewer)


Sep 26, 2005
what does everyone think will be the 7 mark question in the chemistry paper? in my schools trial and the catholic trila it was on CFC's...... but what do all u clever ppl out there think?


Active Member
Oct 22, 2004
Western Sydney
Hmm I think we are gonna get one on WWI and the Haber Process, but maybe not one worth 7 marks


Sep 26, 2005
rama_v said:
Hmm I think we are gonna get one on WWI and the Haber Process, but maybe not one worth 7 marks
the 7 marker in the 2003 HSC paper was on monitorring the haber process so i dont think they will ask that again... the might ask to compare the batteries that we had to learn.. what does anyone else think ???


Nov 12, 2004
i reckon there will be a battery one but like 4marks

i think haber is the best bet for the 7 mark one


New Member
Oct 5, 2005
I believe that they'll ask for a comparison between such scientists as Galvani and Volta and ask us to evaluate the atvantages and disatvantages of their theories or a comparison, then again i don't concentrate in chem so i may be completely off the mark

paper cup

Apr 24, 2004
Lady_K said:
I believe that they'll ask for a comparison between such scientists as Galvani and Volta and ask us to evaluate the atvantages and disatvantages of their theories or a comparison, then again i don't concentrate in chem so i may be completely off the mark
they asked the ethanol q last year though.

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
Tomorrow I shall conduct a thorough checking of the past papers versus the syllabus and post a list-of-stuff-there-hasn't-been-long-answer-questions-on like I did for physics. Then all you psychics can get to work on it.

paper cup

Apr 24, 2004
Captain Gh3y said:
Tomorrow I shall conduct a thorough checking of the past papers versus the syllabus and post a list-of-stuff-there-hasn't-been-long-answer-questions-on like I did for physics. Then all you psychics can get to work on it.
I love you. :p


back after sem2
Feb 22, 2004
North Shore
Lady_K said:
I believe that they'll ask for a comparison between such scientists as Galvani and Volta and ask us to evaluate the atvantages and disatvantages of their theories or a comparison, then again i don't concentrate in chem so i may be completely off the mark
yeh possibly.

paper cup

Apr 24, 2004
Captain Gh3y said:
Nope, only in Shipwrecks.
oh good, don't scare me like that people! in core we talk about core, in the options we talk about options, please!

paper cup

Apr 24, 2004
sikeveo said:
12 Days to HSC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dude I have a hammer and I'm not afraid to use it, not even over the intraweb.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2004
Western Sydney
punk_tartan said:
the 7 marker in the 2003 HSC paper was on monitorring the haber process so i dont think they will ask that again... the might ask to compare the batteries that we had to learn.. what does anyone else think ???
Yeah but its significance to WWI as not been tested yet...i think

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
just 4 u cherryblossom...

Because the Chemistry syllabus is a little more, err... 'robust' than the physics syllabus, and the fact that the questions tend to blur between 1, 2 or 3 dotpoints, this isn't dotpoint-by-dotpoint, but rather by groups of dotpoints. This is for Questions 16 - 29 (core) from 2001 to 2004.

Note that other than stating what questions were asked in what papers, this is largely my opinion. This is (officially speaking) NOT an attempt to predict what will be in the exam. ;)

Identification and Production of Materials:

Ethylene and Addition Polymers - Catalytic Cracking, Steam cracking, and the Meaning of "Addition Polymers" has not come up. The chemical differences between alkanes and alkenes, and the 'bromine water' experiment was asked about in 02, over 2 questions for 9 marks. Ethylene as a monomer, and its usefulness for making products has not directly come up. Identifying vinyl chloride and styrene was in 04, as was describing the uses of polymers related to their properties. Modelling of the polymerisation process has not come up. The process of addition polymerisation was asked about in 03 for 3 marks.

Overall I would say that the addition polymerisation process (including uses and properties) has not been asked about much, and I would put it as a medium probability for this year.

Biomass and Condensation Polymers - The 'structure of cellulose' has not been touched. The potential for biopolymers to be used as raw materials was in 03 for 5 marks. The developments in their uses appeared in 02 for 5 marks. "The need for alternative sources of compounts presently obtained from the petrochemical industry" has not been directly asked about, and I think it could make a 7 mark question. Writing condensation reactions has not come up.

Overall I would watch out for the 'structure of cellulose', writing condensation reactions in the shorter answers, and possibly the need for alternative sources to petrochemicals as a long answer question.

Ethanol: - On the left hand side, hydration/dehdration reactions have hardly come up at all, and the use of ethanol as a solvent is yet to appear. Explaining the use of Ethanol as a fuel was a semi-long answer in 04 worth 5 marks. However, this ethanol as a fuel is mentioned in 2 dotpoints on the left, 'outline use of ethanol as a fuel...' and 'assess the potential of ethanol as an alternative fuel...' as well as one on the right hand side.
The conditions for fermenting sugar has not appeared, but describing the experiment HAS. 'Summarise the chemistry of the fermentation process' is yet to appear, although this point is likely to be integrated with other fermentation-related questions. On the right hand side, again a question on models is yet to be seen. "Ethanol from sugar cane" has not appeared, and could possibly be used to form a longer answer question. As mentioned, use of ethanol as a fuel appeared in 04, although the question did not specifically say "car fuel", nor did it ask to evaluate "success of current usage", as the right hand dotpoint says. The fermentation experiment appeared in 03, focusing on the "mass changes" aspect. The molar heat of combustion experiment has not appeared since 01, where it appeared for 6 marks, including a calculation.

Overall, the ethanol dotpoints are tricky, because its use as a fuel appears in 3 dotpoints, but it was asked about last year. Production of ethanol from sugar cane, conditions for fermentation and chemistry of fermentation have yet to be directly addressed, and it's been a while since the molar heat of combustion came up.

Electrochemistry: - Metal displacement reactions appeared in 04 totalling 6 marks. Comparison of battery cells has NOT appeared since 01, where it was the long answer question for 7 marks. (could it make a reappearance this year?) Calculation of E values comes up pretty much every year, no surprises there. However, the 2 experiments in this section have not come up (I didn't even know there were any until today). "outline the construction of galvanic cells" has not been directly asked. In the galvanic cell section, most of the dotpoints are just the basic knowledge, hence there isn't much they can form a long answer question about, except the comparison between kinds of cells.

Overall, expect the usual galvanic cell questions, and I wouldn't be surprised to see them ask about either of the 2 experiments, "peform a 1st-hand-inv. to identify the conditions under which a galvanic cell is produced", and "perform a 1st-hand-inv. to gather 1st-hand-info. to measure the difference in potential of different combinations of metals in an electrolyte solution".
(Don't you just love the phraseology of the syllabus? Almost... poetic...)

Nuclear Chemistry: - "Identify instruments and processes that can be used to detect radiation" has NOT been asked about in any way yet. The production of transuranic elements and radioisotopes appeared in 03 for 4 marks. "Process info from 2ndary sources to describe recent discoveries of elements" has not been asked about yet. Benefits and problems of use was in 04 for 4 marks. Use of a named isotope in industry and medicine has not appeared since 01, where it was only 3 marks. Distinguishing between stable and radioactive isotopes was in 02 for 5 marks. Generally, smaller questions involving writing nuclear equations are common.

Overall, the dotpoint to watch out for here is the Instruments used to detect radiation. A long answer about uses of named radioisotopes in industry and medicine isn't out of the question either.

The Acidic Environment

1. Indicators - Probably won't be used for long answer questions. (Although the Board has done crazier things... just look at the Advanced English Syllabus). The make-your-own-indicator experiment hasn't been asked about, and the everyday uses of indicators hasn't directly come up either. Generally indicator questions are reading-a-table type stuff.

2. Acidic Oxides - The 4 dotpoints about oxides of sulfur/nitrogen were melted together back in 02 to form the big 7 marker. Probably won't happen again this year. The soft drink experiment came up in 02 also. Positioning on the periodic table was done last year for 4 marks. The stuff that hasn't come up at all, (Le Chateliers, identify factors that effect equilibrium) is fairly basic (get it? basic? omglol!), although solubility of C02 in water and formation of carbonic acid could appear this year. Calculations of gas volumes are pretty common as part of a larger question. There has NOT been any questions about Acid Rain. This could form a longer question this year, for about ~5±2 marks.

Overall: Probably won't be a long question on oxides of sulfur/nitrogen, maybe a shorter one though, seeing as they've got four dotpoionts to choose from. Wouldn't be surprised if there was something on acid rain or factors of equilibrium.

3. Strong/Weak Acids - This is tricky. On the right hand side: The 2 experiments haven't been tested, (measuring acidic/basic/neutral chemicals, and measuring strong/weak acids at same conc.). Again there's been nothing on modelling. "Identify examples of naturally ocurring acids and bases and their chemical composition" hasn't come up. Calculating pH given H+ concentration is pretty common. "Use of acids as food additives" appeared in 04 for 5 marks. Writing ionisation reactions, along with the whole weak/strong idea and differences in pH due to this makes up most of this section - all pretty 'simple' dotpoints. They were tested in 02 for 5 marks, and it could happen again.

Overall: They might ask about one of the experiments here, or maybe melt together some of the strong/weak acid and pH dotpoints and make a longer question. Talking about naturally forming acids/bases and their composition is a maybe. There's no big 'assess the impact of...' dotpoints in this section, though.

4. B-L Acids and Titrations - The Historical Development of Acids has NOT been tested. (Lavoisier, Davy, Arrhenius) This dotpoint is well suited to a long answer. Also, acidic/basic salts has NOT been tested. It's (imo) a 'hard' dotpoint, so it could come up this year. Amphiprotic substances was done in 04 for 3 marks. TITRATIONS! I hate them. They're there every year without fail, one way or another, usually in the form of calculations (although this overlaps with part 3 of CMM...)
The technique of making standard solutions was in last year for 5 marks. Note that the technique of actually titrating hasn't been asked about. BUFFERS have not been asked about at all. Acid/base reactions according to B-L theory (protron transfer) are pretty common, I'd assume they'll come up again. Neutralisation for safety was done last year for 4 marks. "Peform a 1st hand inv. to determine the conc. of a domestic acidic substance using computer-based technology" is a weird one, it hasn't come up.

Overall: Historical Development, Acidic/Basic Salts, Buffers, Titrations. The first 3 have yet to appear, the last ALWAYS appears (do the examiners get off on titration?). I would rate historical development or buffers a high chance of appearing this year, for at least 5 marks. Know everything about titrations, for the sake of your own mental health.

5. Esters - Refluxing has appeared a couple of times. They asked about the experiment in 03 for 5 marks, and also in 01. The stuff about boiling point due to intermolecular forces was done in 03. Now, "Describe the uses of esters as flavours and perfumes in processed foods and cosmetics" has NOT appeared yet, and could do so this year. The purpose of acid as a catalyst hasn't directly been asked about. "Some examples of the occurence, production and uses of esters" has not been asked about. The other dotpoints are just the basics of esterification reactions (alkanol + alkanoic acid and their functional groups and naming)

Overall, I'd say there could be a longer (5 marks?) question on their uses, since there's 2 similar dotpoints that haven't been used. (They could even join the 2 together, ie. "Describe some examples of the occurence, production and uses of esters in processed foods and cosmetics, 6 marks"). Basics of the reaction and experiment could possibly come up again.

Chemical Monitoring and Management

1. Work of Chemists - The role of a chemist has not been tested, nor has the "need for collaboration between chemists". An example of a reaction that needs monitoring (eg. combustion) hasn't been tested since 01, when it was worth 6 marks. I'd say they might ask about the role of a chemist or the work of practising scientists (in a variety of chemical occupations or a specific occupation) or the need for collaboration this year. Probably nothing too long though.

2. Haber Process - Once again rama_v is right (is he ever wrong?) in that the Haber Process' significance in its time in history (WWI) has NOT been asked about, and is a dotpoint suited to a long answer. The "need for monitoring" has been asked about twice, however, and formed a 7 marker in '03. Uses of Ammonia was touched on in 01. Other than that, surprisingly enough they've asked nothing about the various details of the Haber process and equlibrium.

Overall, I would say they might ask about it in smaller doses this year (the equlibrium/compromise stuff) rather than as one long question. The history one is possible for a 7 marker, but then again so's a lot of other dotpoints.

3. Monitoring - Know the various solubility and other test rules and such. They've asked about AAS in 02 and 04. The sulfate titration in fertiliser and the problems with it came up in 03. Interpreting data from AAS appeared in 01 and 03. The only thing here is the "Explain evidence for the need to monitor levels of one of the above ions in substances used in society". That hasn't appeared yet and could make a mid to long sized answer.

Overall, if you know about AAS and the tests to identify ions, that just leaves the "evidence for the need to monitor" one (eg. lead makes you go retarded) that could come up unexpectedly.

4. Atmosphere - I hate this section. The 7 marker last year was in fact on CFCs, a combination of several dotpoints. Therefore I'd say it won't be this year. There could well be somesmaller questions about coordinate bonds, naming isomers of haloalkanes and CFCs, (and modelling them), also there's yet to be a question on the 'layered structure of the atmosphere' or the pollutants in the lower atmosphere. Almost forgot, they haven't asked anthing about the dotpoint, "Analyse the info available that indicates changes in atmospheric ozone concentrations, describe how the changes observed and explain how this info was obtained". Ozone as a pollutant vs something good at different heights was done in 01... could come up again.

Overall, this section sucks. I'd say know the properties and bonding of O2 and O3, the layers of the atmosphere, lower atmosphere pollutants, and isomers/naming of CFS and halons. Also there could be smaller questions on the effect of CFCs on Ozone, but not another big one. There could be a mid to long-ish one on how the atmosphere was monitored.

5. Water - This is my personal favourite for the 7 Marker this year, and there's plenty of dotpoints for it. "Identify that water quality can be determined by considering..." hasn't been asked about. "Factors that effecdt concentrations of ions in water" WAS asked about last year. The 1st hand investigation to test stuff in water was done in 02, but only in relation to water hardness, which leaves all the other factors (DO, turbidity, BOD, TDS... etc.) The "effectiveness of methods used to purify and sanitise mass water supplies" was touched on in 02 for 5 marks.
Microscopic membrane filters has NOT come up. Most interesting in this section is the "present info on the local town water supply in terms of: - catchment area, sources of contamination... (the list goes on)". The question in 02 said 'town water supply' but didn't ask about this dotpoint. I'd put it as a strong canditate for a long answer this year, possibly by having it combined with "Identify that water quality can be determined by considering..."

A Summary of the Above:
A half-assed list of stuff there could be a 6-8 marker on this year:

- Catalytic or Steam Cracking
- Addition Polymerisation - the 2 methods
- The need for Alternatives to Petrochemicals
- Production of Ethanol from Sugar Cane and the Fermentation Process
- Galvanic Cell Experiments
- Instruments and Processes used to Detect Radiation

- Formation and Effects of Acid Rain
- Historical Development of Acids
- Buffers (Effects and Occurence in Nature)
- Occurence, Production and Uses of Esters in Cosmetics and Foods

- The Work of Practising Chemists in a range of and/or specific occupation
- Evaluate the Significance of Haber's Development of the industrial Synthesis of Ammonia at that time in World History
- Explain Evidence for the Need to Monitor Levels of one of a named Ion in Substances Used in Society
- Analyse the information available that indicates changes in atmospheric ozone concentrations, describe how the changes observed and explain how this info was obtained
- Something about all the factors that determine water quality, (concentratin of ions, TDS, hardness, turbidity, acidity, DO, BOD, heavy metal pollution, eutrophication..) how these are treated in the water we use, and the effectiveness of the treatments used...
Last edited:
Nov 4, 2004
i heard that there is no more 7 markers, only 6 markers, what a relief :p

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