O.O Well, we had our focus day today. I think we decided it's going to be (possibly/hopefully) something-Ramesside?
You can work it out logically! 2008 was Akhenaten and Kadesh, they are out. 2007 was Amenhotep III and Queens so they are out. 2006 was Seti and foreign policy, may be brought up again? Not likely. 2005 was Horemheb and Ramesses II building program (specific).
I don't know about you guys but I am definitely feeling some "Assess the reign of Ramesses II"..? O.O Or something like that. Possibly Seti I too! :|
Just learn 20-25 points one each pharaoh. Not as difficult as it may seem now. 5 points on religion, 5 on admin (foreign/internal policy), 5 on warrior pharaoh image, 5 on buildings and 5 on propaganda - give or take whatever.. You'll be sweet. And, for those of you do Akhenaten as a personality you're even more golden, always find a way to intergrate him into your essays. He had such a HUGE impact on Egypt that he shouldn't be forgotten. Plus, devoting time to Akhie takes up lines! ;D
8 pages for Historical Period! O.O I might be sick. :|
So, yeah, my point was: I am definitely feeling some Ramesses II (pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease) this year! As for the other question my teacher predicted OFFICIALS. She has a knack for knowing these things.. :| It's scary. She predicted Kadesh last year, Queens the year before and Seti in 2006.. :| I am going to trust her judgement.. :|
Good luck with the HSC, guys!
Less than 4 weeks to go! Hells to the yes!