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  1. S

    Challenging equations questions (I need working out please)

    a) Steve has a broken calculator. When just turned on, it displays 0. If the + key is pressed it adds 51. If the – key is pressed it subtracts 51. If the × key is pressed it adds 85 and if the ÷ key is pressed it subtracts 85. The other keys do not function. Steve turns the calculator on. What...
  2. S

    Angles question

    Thank you so much
  3. S

    Angles question

    How would that help I see triangle TRQ and triangle PQR (isosceles triangle)
  4. S

    Angles question

    I found angle PSR = 110 and PTQ = 125 using exterior angle of a triangle but still doesnt help
  5. S

    Angles question

    No all they give us is that info. I got all angles, worked out angle PSR = 110 and angle PTQ = 125 but how can you find the angle PST. I have no clue all the answer says is 35 degrees
  6. S

    Angles question

    In ΔPQR, ∠PQR = 70° and S and T are points on PQ and PR respectively, so that ∠RQT = 55° and ∠QRS = 40°. Show that ∠PST is 35°
  7. S

    Rates question

    one route from melbourne to sydney is 950 km. car A leaves melbourne travelling at 90 km/h and car B leaves sydney travelling on the same route at 100 km/h. where will the cars pass each other?
  8. S

    Rounding question

    let t=570 truncated to 1 significant figure and r=570 rounded to 1 significant figure. Calculate r-t.
  9. S

    Year 9-10 Maths Discussion & Resources

    let t=570 truncated to 1 significant figure and r=570 rounded to 1 significant figure. Calculate r-t. Please explain showing working
  10. S

    Probability Question

    A four sided die and a six sided die, numbered 1 to 4 and 1 to 6 respectively are rolled. What is the probability of Die 1 greater than or equal to Die 2, given that Die 2 is at least 3. Please show working
  11. S

    Probability Question

    Please show working.
  12. S

    Data question

    A set of data has a mean of 4.25. When the outlier of 20 is removed, the mean changes to 3.2. How many scores are in the original data set?
  13. S

    Differentiation questions

  14. S

    Differentiation questions

    so for part b) y'(x) = 2x+b when x = 3, the gradient is 5 So 5=2(3)+b 5=6 +b -1=b Sub x=3 and b = -1 into y=x^2+bx+c y=(3)^2+(-1)(3)+c y=6+c Then the second part y'(x) = 2x+b when x = 2, the gradient is 0...
  15. S

    Differentiation questions

    a) Differentiate y=x^2+bx+c, and hence find b and c, given that the parabola is tangent to the x-axis at the point (5,0) b) Differentiate y=x^2+bx+c, and hence find b and c, when x =3 the gradient is 5, and x=2 is a zero.