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  1. M

    Do complete Lefties and Greenies get on your nerves?

    Pauline Hanson's 'returning to politics' again, the poor woman... I feel a bit sorry for her, although I hope she doesn't gain a very large following.
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    Climate Change/ Global Warming

    Unfortunately, the Stern report (comparing the impacts of climate change on the economy to the Great Depression) says that merely trying to adapt to climate change would cost more than it would to stamp out climate change. And I'm not sure it can be said that global warming's going to slow down...
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    Climate Change/ Global Warming

    I think it's methane that the livestock are producing. In the older days (70s and 80s I think?), it used to be 'act locally, think globally', but now the push is more 'think locally, act locally, to have any hope of impacting globally'. The 'turning stuff off when you're not using...
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    The Official French Film/SBS Movie Thread

    Madman's got a sale on the weekend - they've got some french films (Tais Toi!, the Asterix live-action films, and some others), one DVD for $10.
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    The Anime Thread

    Madman's got a big sale on the weekend - it's one DVD = $10, pretty good if you ask me. May as well start the Chrissie shopping early.
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    Steve Irwin dead

    Germaine's generally considered to be a bit nutty, to put it as mildly and politely as possible. If you've ever read any of her books, you can probably see why she's considered to be that way. But, do youse think that her points - that he really didn't seem to give the animals space, that he...
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    Attractive couples have girls, says expert

    I remember reading that deep sea diver fathers were also more likely to have girls.. Something to do with X sperm being more fit than Y sperm in deep sea conditions?
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    Pluto loses planet status

    Apparently the bigwigs are deadset against calling it Xena...
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    Just another brick in the wall

    In addition to which, 30 years ago, the baby boomers *were* 'the youth'. There were a lot more of them 30 years ago, than there are of us now.
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    Senate Committees - Controlling the Agenda

    Thank goodness for rebel backbenchers.
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    Poll: What Women Really Want in a Man

    A certain amount of self-confidence, (stopping short of being a prick) is a *huge* positive. It wasn't directly mentioned anywhere in your poll. As for "I would not want a man to change for me nor should he want me to change for him. I want him to be himself and I would want him to love me...
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    2004 HSC Stimulus Booklet.... Does any body have it?

    We had to give them back to the govt. :(
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    what ecosystem is every1 doing???

    Thread necromancy is fun. ;) Btw, here's a brilliant site for the GBR:
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    Do you read the Tert?

    Yeah, I thought the article on 'feminine hygiene products' was very Dolly-esque... But DIY abortions?? That was just scary. :S
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    Female-Name Chat Users Get 25 Times More Malicious Messages

    Yeah, it seems like common sense, doesn't it? Which is sorta sad. :( But yeah, I agree with you on the Engineering bit - I had a tute in an engineering building, and I'd try to spend the least amount of time possible in there... They were *watching* me as I walked through.
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    Female-Name Chat Users Get 25 Times More Malicious Messages Geez... :eek: No wonder there aren't any girls on the internet.
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    Junk Food Causing Childhood Obesity:

    Another possible solution that I've heard of is to slap a five dollar tax on any items of 'junk food' - if you make it too expensive to buy often, people will think twice before they indulge. You could then use the money to do whatever nutrition-educational stuff you please with it. There's...
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    New Worm Yeah.. thought youse should know.
  19. M

    The Beaconsfield miners

    Re: Two trapped miners found alive! Does anyone think it's stretching things to link the proposed changes in IR law to this accident? I heard that someone in the mining industry (how very specific, I know...) reckons that atm there's too much focus on getting the resources and not enough on...
  20. M

    Are our Politicians out of touch???

    Some of the things that one sees a doctor, or most of the things that one goes into hospital for for can be lifethreatening - having to find the money, or worrying about finding the money can be prohibitive (this is notable in the US system - even blood must be paid for!) Although this...