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    ATAR estimation?

    It's true, and I got 91 in this school. So, anyone reading this post, it's possible to still do well in a low-ranked school.
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    ATAR estimation?

    Stop trolling me lol, I got more than that
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    ATAR estimation?

    anyways, I did hsc a few years ago. I already know my ATAR, just posting this thread to see how others think haha
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    USYD Comm/Law

    2u minimum. 3u or even 4u will be helpful especially if you major in Business Analytics.
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    USYD Comm/Law

    2u minimum. 3u or even 4u will be helpful especially if you major in Business Analytics.
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    ATAR estimation?

    Sorry forgot to add, school is ranked 400+
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    ATAR estimation?

    1. English EALD 1st/9 (sat for it last year, overall mark 93) 2. Visual arts 1st/20 3. Economics 1st/6 4. Business studies 1st/8 5. Mathematics 2u 2nd/6 6. Chinese Literature 4th/33
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    How do rankings of schools affect your HSC mark?

    If you're ranked first, the cohort doesn't affect you.
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    USYD Comm/Law

    I graduated from USYD Commerce 5 years ago. Basically, eco and business studies in high school give you some background knowledge for first-year subjects. Hope that helps.