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  1. ivanradoszyce

    what proof by vectors can they ask you for extension 1

    Can you please tell me where these questions came from.
  2. ivanradoszyce

    Combinatorics question

    Ask yourself the question. How many choices (from 6 letters) are there to select the letter A? Your answer should be \frac{2}{6}. Ask yourself the question. How many choices (from 5 letters remaining) are there to select the letter S? Your answer should be \frac{2}{6}\times \frac{1}{5} ...
  3. ivanradoszyce

    combinations question pls help!!

    I wrote the solution to a permutation question from an old Applied Mathematics book used in Victoria in the 1970s. The first chapter was on permutations and combinations. Actually, really good practice in this area. Anyway, the solution to question 13 is attached as a PDF file written in...
  4. ivanradoszyce

    Can someone explain this question please?

    Here is the way that might make it easier to understand. You have 4 rooms, OK, so draw 4 small squares. Ask yourself the question. 'How many choices (or people) can i select to occupy the first room? '. The answer is 4, so place a 4 in the first square. Moving to the next room (or square)...
  5. ivanradoszyce

    2024 HSC paper - when can one get it?

    Thanks tywebb, Muchas Gracias!
  6. ivanradoszyce

    2024 HSC paper - when can one get it?

    Any links as to where one can download the paper. The BOS haven't posted it yet.
  7. ivanradoszyce

    Math proj motion

    Here is the solution written in Latex.
  8. ivanradoszyce

    Mechanics Problem

    Thanks tywebb, that's exactly what I got. I appears the answer at the end of the text is incorrect. Frustrating to say the least.
  9. ivanradoszyce

    Mechanics Problem

    I came across this problem from the Cambridge Ex 2 book, the Mechanics section. Part (d) has me scratching my head. Obviously \alpha cannot be 1. This results in an improper integral. From part (c) \begin{align*} \dot{y}^2 &= \frac{3g(3 - 2y)}{3 + 2y} \,\,\, \text{which simplifies to }...
  10. ivanradoszyce

    Maths ext 2 trial

    Any change of putting a link so I can see the paper?
  11. ivanradoszyce


    Thanks.... I like the question!
  12. ivanradoszyce


    Hi, As a matter of curiosity, where did this question come from?
  13. ivanradoszyce

    this one question

    Substitute x = 1 into the binomial equation call call it 1. Substitute x = - 1 into another binomial equation call call it 2. Add the 2 equations. Noting when you add an even number + odd number = odd number. The 'odd' binomial terms cancel and the 'even' terms are doubled. Hope that is a...
  14. ivanradoszyce

    this one question

    Hi, Are you after a solution to this problem as well?
  15. ivanradoszyce

    Application of Complex Numbers Question

    This may help. Divide each term by z^2, then collect 'like' terms i.e 5(z^2 + z^{-2}) - 11(z + z^{-1} ) + 16 = 0. Then use part (a).
  16. ivanradoszyce

    Are they pds of hard copies. Yes, I'm interested.

    Are they pds of hard copies. Yes, I'm interested.
  17. ivanradoszyce

    Unit 4 Mathematics Books in the 1970s-1980s

    Thank-you so much. Where can I obtain the ebooks?
  18. ivanradoszyce

    Unit 4 Mathematics Books in the 1970s-1980s

    Hi all, I really 'enjoy' (if that's the right word) analyzing the Mathematics syllabi of Unit 3/4 mathematics of the 1970s/1980s. I was wondering what text books were using for unit 3/4 during this period. I know in Victoria, at year 12 level, Fitzpatrick & Gailbraith used Purer and Applied...
  19. ivanradoszyce

    Conics - text book material

    Hi all, I believe Conics was a topic in Extension 2 a while ago. I was just wondering if anyone had any old PDFs of Extension 2 text books that covered this topic. It more just form my personal interest that anything else. I wold really like to know how it was covered. Thanks