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  • Thanks for the advice Wendy!! *huggles* I'm so glad I actually went to Pymble for so many years now...I guess it gave me a good solid foundation in all areas of my study~ Do you also know Chrissy?? (I'm guessing you mean chrissy guo from my year~)
    Heyyloo, Im in year 10 and moving into 11 next year and was wondering, can you give me tips for studying modern? x) much appreciated!
    Hiya Wendy :)

    Nawww thank you! You got even more brilliant results so you must be over the moon :D
    That is so kind of you to say <3 I can say the exact same thing to you, except your intelligence is pretty much unparalelled! I'm sure you'll both enjoy and ace uni ^^

    Hell yeah, i can't wait until next year! To be able ot study what i want and be surrounded by people who actually care - it sounds like a better version of the HSC XD

    Come to UNSW and i'll see you around ;)
    thanks, im reasonably happy with how i went.
    woahhhh you did philosophy, nice! did you enjoy studying that?
    philosophy is so interesting!
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