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    2024 HSC Chat

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    reccommend some books

    Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
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    school assessment marks/ranks & state ranks

    Yes, whenever ur school releases it - probably at the end of term 2/start of term 3 considering it is a half-yearly
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    HSC timetable

    bro's weirdly getting deep with it
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    2023 ATAR/HSC Marks

    No, the question/paper will usually stipulate to show 'all working'
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    Does God exist?

    "we made from water every living thing" doesn't prove any of that, let alone those statistics
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    Does God exist?

    what does this prove exactly?
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    Any good shows/movies?

    Game of Thrones - the 8th season isnt as bad as they say and the first 6 are the best tv of all time.
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    First thought when someone mentions the Renaissance

    Probably more industrialisation than enlightenment
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    First thought when someone mentions the Renaissance

    the sistine chapel
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    yr10 applying to selectives

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    yr10 applying to selectives

    James Ruse
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    you don't, creatives on top
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    what is the best font for drafting stuff on word/docs

    Anything other than tnr and 1.5+ spacing looks like a child wrote it (who uses Arial or Calibri, get with the times)
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    what is the best font for drafting stuff on word/docs

    garamond italics are illegible, tnr reigns supreme
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    suggestions on some good books in the english canon

    Quite obvious but if you're looking for a good appropriation/adaption, interrogate Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' and Coppola's 'Apocalypse Now'.
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    Stuff the icj and anyone who stands by it

    And if you did, you'd also do good to highlight that the reason Aristotle and Aquinas are rarely read, and their ideas rarely understood, is because most people struggle to comprehend their archaic wording.