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  1. H

    Social Science Notes Slsp1001

    Hey, ive been storing all my previous years' notes, but i have totally misplaced my SLSP1001 notes, does any one have ALL of them digital who would be nice to send them to me, or i could meet you at uni and provide a CD or something...originally they got formatted from comp and i had a fit!, but...
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    Journalism degree

    Hey, does Macquarie University have a Journalism degree?? My freind is interested and is currently doing Media and Cultural studies...he wants to know if there is anything close to a journalism degree.
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    Does Estudent Work Now???

    Hey does ESTUDENT work for you even though it is like HOURS away from the time we get our results??? it wont logg me on
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    transfer into law

    does any one know when we have to apply for that law quota? when do we find out if we have been accepted or rejected? Another questions, chances of getting into law at Macq any better than that on UNSW? thanks for your help.
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    B Social Science

    I am STRONGLY considering B Social Science ( i am in B Science, but I don’t like it and has no relevance to my future goals), can someone who actually does it at Macquarie let me know how they are finding it? Also, does it actually offer you skills?? i was looking at the UNSW program, and...
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    Dropping a unit now

    Hey guys, is it too late to drop a unit now? Like i know that i've been charged for it and all, but there is this one unit which im not doing terribly well at and im assuming it will affet my GPA, so i want to drop it. This probably sounds like a weird question, but yeh i am first year. also...
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    ABout GPA

    ok what are the different GPA's? 2= 3= 4= 5= how many are there and what do they represent, and whats i s the difficultly of achieving each. THANKS HEAPS!
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    Phil 137

    How are people finding Phil 137? Personally, i find it challenging, but sometimes, VERY frustrating when theories dont work completely well in practice :'( AHH and assessment/exam tomorrow
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    O My Gosh, This Has Been One Pain In The A$$!!!! What The Hell Do I Use As My Password??? Ive Already Been To Mymq, I Used That Starnge Username They Sent Me Via Mail, Along With The Password Which Is My B'day Along With Two Characters...ive Been To To Website And Have Changed My Password...
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    demerit points need DESPERATE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok im a Red P, P1, and i got booked for being on the left hand side of a car in the same lane...mind you it was a massive lane, the car was on the FAR right and was quit slow...I HAVE NEVER BEEN BOOKED BEFORE so yeh.... now how does this demerti thing work? police said you lost 2 demerit...
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    Orientation Week??

    ok i know that UTS has camps for some first years, and UNSW has an entire week for orientation...what do we have?? do we have an orientation week?? or is it just that orientation day we go depending on our study area??
  12. H

    Does Macq Have An Orchestra???

    DOES MACQ HAVE AN ORCHESTRA??? or like some music band(s) to join?? and where can we get a list of all the clubs to join...i know theres that Christian one, i know theres a choir....umm and yeh basically i know those lol
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    Timetable Help, Strange Short Hand Terms:s:s:s

    Hey guys i need help with these short hand terms: "When Offered: D1 - Day; Offered in the first half-year " ok this is an extract from a subject i want to study...BUT, it says D1...whats thsis mean??? look at this very strange example: "When Offered: D1 - Day; Offered in the...
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    Law, Gpa And Uai??????!?!?!???

    u must be asked this so many times....but when u want to INTERNALLY transfer into law at maq, do they consider ur uai as well or GPA only??? another thing, say i dont make it into combined law with science psy right, and i go straight to B Science Psy...WHEN do i apply to that quota thingy...
  15. H

    About B Science????

    hey for BSc, i want to major in my question is, does the uni also offer minors to do??? like u major in Psy but minor is say music??? is this degree flexible??
  16. H

    modern history...major headache

    ok heres the deal...I find that there is hardly ANY TRENDS BETWEEN PAST HSC QUESTIONS FOR GERMANY AND PASCIFIC WAR my probelm is, i notes for modern, im leaning them, but have no historiography because i cant predict any of the notes are SOOO long, why u ask, because i told my...
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    about Major Work

    ok, ive got like a 2 folders full of research material and all plus of course my do i actually submitt those folders as well?
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    Help Needed For Consumer And Family Exam Situations

    undefined undefined Hey i need help...with consumer and family law topics, the exam can ask us generall to "evaluate the effectiveness of the law in terms of something" what im worried about, is they can ask practically ANY AREA of consumer or family and ask us to evaluate it...what...
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    Crime fiction that breaks conventions??????

    hello, for an ext assessment, we have to look at crime fiction texts which go against the typical conventions (like Stoppard) Can anyone please suggest to me any texts that they know of? and by text, i mean ANY FORM, so poetry, film, prose etc...anything thankyou
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    Extension 1 Text Books????????

    Hey guys, im just wondering if anybody knows about Extension English text books or study guides...ive got one, but its not all that another thing, are there individual study guides for inspector hound? thanks