Recent content by this_guy

  1. T

    What do u think u got?

    i'm hoping >75
  2. T

    That exam was easy!!!!

    yeah that 24 b was pretty straight forward, i just applied what the rules said, but that bloody crap about the subclass, i didnt know what to write.... i just said they should have a subclass for teachers or sum crap...
  3. T

    That exam was easy!!!!

    i mean compared with the previous years exams i thought it was pretty easy. i must say i aint that good at SDD (only got 53 in the trial) but now i'm thinkin i'll prolly get like 75 easy. what do u guys think?
  4. T

    trials...which did you do and your results?

    i got 67%, it is pretty low but i'll aim for 85 in the HSC. dunno what trial i did though
  5. T


    67% Adv English (Top 10) 80% IPT (1st) 55% IT (4th) 65% Gen Maths (2nd) 32% Software (1st) i put these marks into SAM and got a UAI of 42 and i need a UAI of 82 so yeah i'm pretty much stuffed
  6. T

    Shaving - Pros and Cons

    guys who shave their legs are friggin GAYY!!!! and therefore should be shot-dead. ur hair is ur masculanity why would u even think about shaving?
  7. T

    how do you wanna get married?

    in my back yard
  8. T


    i'm getting out end of november (dont know where yet)
  9. T

    Uni/Course [hopefully :)]

    top 5 preferences: 1. med science @ USYD 2. med science @ UNSW 3. med science @ MQ 4. med science @ UTS 5. med science @ UWS <--- (rate i'm goin, i'll probably end up here)
  10. T

    BInary subtraction questions

    read the excel chapter on hardware, that will help
  11. T

    Teaching yourself SDD.

    I think software is a fun subject. its not too hard, its sort of challenging in a good way. The only way that works for me is to study using the excel text book coz everything is explaind in an understandable way. but then again everyone is different.........
  12. T

    Which option topic?

    does it scale differently depending on wether u do evo or hardware??
  13. T

    SDD scaling

    i'm also top of my class out of 7 ppl, but its only me and another guy that pass, no-one else takes it seriously
  14. T

    Going To Fail!!

    hey buddy i bin droppin 2, dont worry too much just start studying again