Recent content by KloppsAndRobbers

  1. KloppsAndRobbers

    ATAR vibe check

    100 ATAR guaranteed
  2. KloppsAndRobbers

    How do you guys memorise essays?

    I just write the essay down a few times while saying it out loud. Works for me.
  3. KloppsAndRobbers

    Where can I find this Q?

    sin(3θ) = 2sinθ sin(2θ + θ) = 2sinθ sin2θcosθ + cos2θsinθ = 2sinθ (sinθcosθ + cosθsinθ)cosθ + sinθ(1-2sin^2θ) = 2sinθ sinθcos^2θ + sinθcos^2θ + sinθ - 2sin^3θ = 2sinθ sinθ(1-sin^2θ) + sinθ(1-sin^2θ) + sinθ - 2sin^3θ = 2sinθ sinθ - sin^3θ + sinθ - sin^3θ + sinθ - 2sin^3θ = 2sinθ 3sinθ - 4sin^3θ =...
  4. KloppsAndRobbers

    Another projectile motion Q.

    There's no need for sin or cos because the velocities are already given.
  5. KloppsAndRobbers

    yr11 life ready camp

    My school had booklets if you didn't go. They didn't let us know till after the final date of payment tho, lol. Personally, I went. Slept through the Life Ready program lesson tho.
  6. KloppsAndRobbers

    Eternal Invite: The Union of VeiloftheVoid and Harper

    Anyone know what @mmmmmmmmaaaaaaa did? Quick summary pls
  7. KloppsAndRobbers

    Looking for some Grade 12 Force vector questions

    Alright cool. Could you please send me the textbook if you don’t mind?
  8. KloppsAndRobbers

    Looking for some Grade 12 Force vector questions

    But don’t these questions take friction and other things into account? Doesn’t that make them out of syllabus or nah?
  9. KloppsAndRobbers

    Vectors q

    I just found 2 ways to express OQ & then equated it to find Lambda. My working is a bit different to Hughmaster. PQ = kPC OQ - OP = k(OC - OP) [Note: Head minus tail - both sides] = kOC - kOP + OP = kOC - OP(k-1) Therefore, OQ = kOC - 2/3OA(k-1) [Note: OP =...
  10. KloppsAndRobbers

    Vectors q

    Finished it. Just making sure is the answer lambda = 2/5? If it is I'll send you the working.