Recent content by i am ur idol

  1. I

    Supernatural...any fans??

    omg are you serious!!! i really hope so im going to watch channel TEN all night just so i can see the ad OMG frickin YEAH!
  2. I

    Supernatural...any fans??

    Hi my name is hannah and i'm addicted to Supernatural god damn. it is the best frickin show ever! but i am devo that it hasnt been on for yonky donks. so get i read the supernatural book. bahaha desperate but it was aweosme there was the best scene dean had this really bad dream so he...
  3. I

    We All Fall Down..thesis

    Robert Cormier, the author of We All Fall Down presents a distinctive message about society and conveys that things are not what they seem. Cormier presents his readers an with an idealised American middle-class suburbia which is represented through an illusion of the 'American dream'. Cormier...