Recent content by globalpoato

  1. globalpoato

    Tips n Tricks

    Hi all, Before I go into year 12 physics I would like to ask you guys on how you study the subject and any tips you have since for me physics feels like a very unique and different subject to what I am used to. I don't really know how to specify other than note taking and study. Thanks
  2. globalpoato

    Holiday Study Before Year 12

    Nah fam Im gonna finish the whole 3u and 4u math courses on these holidays you dont own me Ill live my own life
  3. globalpoato

    Business Report Structure

    Got my Prelim Business studies exam tomorrow, YOLO
  4. globalpoato


  5. globalpoato

    Bad coldddddd!!!

    I just usually rest at home but meanwhile do some light work on my math/English text so that I don't feel guilty about not doing work