Recent content by champ_sammy_19

  1. champ_sammy_19

    Longest relationship?

    No in fact ive had the best two years of my life:-P
  2. champ_sammy_19

    Longest relationship?

    two years, 5 months and 8 days and still going very strong :)
  3. champ_sammy_19

    Help with the pill

    Well it was pretty much the doctor that recomended that I go on the shot, and i'm sure he would say something if it wasnt good to not have your period. Alot of girls also use the shot if the have painful periods. Plus with the shot I havent put on weight
  4. champ_sammy_19

    Need motivation

    I just kept reminding myself about how close i was to the finish line
  5. champ_sammy_19

    Help with the pill

    Now i know why i swapped from the pill to the depo shot. One shot every three months, no period (unless the injection wears off) and is effective within 24-48 hrs.
  6. champ_sammy_19

    The Pill

    i was on the pill for quite a while but it made me feel sick, so now I'm on the depo shot which is done once ever 3 months, plus now I dont have to worry about periods.
  7. champ_sammy_19


    my boyfriend and I bought a wii console a few months after it was released; loved it then and still love it now
  8. champ_sammy_19

    does ANYBODY enjoy their text for english?

    I loved looking for alibrandi, i think i read it like 5 or 6 times and by the time exams came around i had managed to memorise most of the book nerdy i know, but I loved the book
  9. champ_sammy_19

    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    Thank you, and i think part of it too is coming to terms with the disability and realising that noting will change that; so what is the point of being angry? it just stops you from enjoying the positive qualities that are already in your life
  10. champ_sammy_19

    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    well nor is it very nice when you are insulted because of your disabilty that you have no control over and werent asked to be born with
  11. champ_sammy_19

    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    very misinformed, hope you dont step out in front of a bus so that you lose the pleasure of walking you prick!
  12. champ_sammy_19

    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    I have cerebral palsy
  13. champ_sammy_19

    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    whatever, just coz you cant get any :uhhuh:
  14. champ_sammy_19

    Why did you break up with your last ex?

    are you just trying to shit around withoutaface coz thats just f***ing lame and stupid